Published Aug 27, 2005
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
Patient had chest pain at beginning shift, 2 hours behind all day, got a heart cath, tech lazy,dinemapp problems, I was sweaty, transfused blood, families OMG!, too many accuchecks, now they're locking the refrigerator where insulin is, where's key? IV's infiltrated, pager not working, 6 patients, I love my job!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,756 Posts
Floated to another unit at 7am, called by to my unit at 10am, 5 admits on the way, only one came at 2:30, so did nothing much until then other than help out. Full assignment from 3 to 7p, got behind and left an hour late.
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
ESRD patient with Hgb of 7.8;gave 2 units PRBC's.
Old lady with bladder the size of a pea.
Iddm lady, accucheck 43; getting IV Glucagon.
Patient has a Physician son who is spending the night with her in her room.
Retired physician with broken hip and ALOT of confusion.
Little old very ill lady who slept all night.
Very confused lady receiving TPN, Lipids, and blood keeps pulling out Huber needle.
That was my 7 patients last night.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I love it when I can't understand the initials :rotfl:
I can't wait to start nursing school :)
General E. Speaking, RN, RN
1 Article; 1,337 Posts
Lap chole pt to be d/c but Hgb was 7.7. N.M. scan showed a huge hematoma. T&C for 2 U PRBC's. Back to OR STAT.
TURP pt with CBI- many clots/irrigated. bloody f/c bag filling fast! IV leaking
Abd. pain pt crying for meds. IV infilltrated, veins suck. CT neg. (-)tox. screen yest BUT (+) for pot today. has been leaving the floor to smoke . Smoking a joint, I guess.
Diverticulitis pt- no problem
cellulitis pt- IV infilltrated
my five in a nutshell!
36 Posts
I love it when I can't understand the initials :rotfl: I can't wait to start nursing school :)
LOL I know...there are zillions of them !
EDValerieRN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 178 Posts
Cussed by an OD lady... charcoal all over scrubs.... Head bleed, intubation, mannitol accident. Now scrubs are black/white when started out blue. Nobody can speak English! stroke one TPA given.
Lunch time! Chest pain, then guy whos rectum itched and used a steak knife to scratch it. Hello colostomy!
That should be exactly 50 words. It was a great time!
Conveniently, yesterday was probably the busiest day I've ever had. When I came home, I looked like I had been through a war.
50 words are less- abbreviations are needed!
then guy whos rectum itched and used a steak knife to scratch it. Hello colostomy
OMG !! I cannot imagine putting a steak knife to my rectum. T-U-C-K-S spells relief for me !
It is hard to fit 12 hours into 50 words or less, it takes talent and lots of a.b.r.i.e.v.i.a.t.i.o.n.s !
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
Woman screaming all night "Oh, Jesus, help me"! Email from boss, big complaint about me from patient still on floor. Lady with zillion IV antibiotics and throwing up everywhere; antibiotics making her sick. Abd. pain admit. 8 busy patients by end of night. Acuity level on floor, through the roof.
21 Posts
300+ lbs bedridden pt w/ leg cellulitis needs the bedpan. Can't have BM in bedpan so wants the commode - it takes 3 or more nrs to put her on, it's N shift and only 4 Rns on, 2 on break, only 2 covering 26pts. 1 is busy! Dr had ordered pt on commode Q bms NOT bedpan . Oh wee...
Over 50 words and only covered 1pt.
300+ lbs bedridden pt w/ leg cellulitis needs the bedpan. Can't have BM in bedpan so wants the commode - it takes 3 or more nrs to put her on, it's N shift and only 4 Rns on, 2 on break, only 2 covering 26pts. 1 is busy! Dr had ordered pt on commode Q bms NOT bedpan . Oh wee... Over 50 words and only covered 1pt.
sooooo easy to WRITE that order, isn't it? Doing it is another story....