December graduates


Well, I know I can't be one of the only ones on here finishing anesthesia school this month! It's OVER, finally OVER!!! I'm am so excited, but will be even happier after I pass that little quizzie they force us all to take after graduation. What does everyone have planned to celebrate? I'm going on a cruise! Then, my boyfriend and I are moving in together to a new house the last week of December. Finally, we get to move on with our lives. Or actually, simply get them back! Do any of you recent graduates out there have any advice on the transition from student to being on your own?

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
Well, I know I can't be one of the only ones on here finishing this month! It's OVER, finally OVER!!! I'm am so excited, but will be even happier after I pass that little quizzie they force us all to take after graduation. What does everyone have planned to celebrate? I'm going on a cruise! Then, my boyfriend and I are moving in together to a new house the last week of December. Finally, we get to move on with our lives. Or actually, simply get them back! Do any of you recent graduates out there have any advice on the transition from student to being on your own?

I graduated in May 2005. I think it's awesome that you're going on a cruise after graduation. I took some time off between passing NCLEX and starting my job. It's so nice to have some time to yourself to just relax before you start working forever! :) I took little day trips here and there, read for fun, spent time with friends and my husband, exercised, etc. And I bought several books about being a new nurse, they were vey helpful and fun to read too. :)


After finishing the anesthesia program, you deserve more than a cruise. I hope that you get it.

And good luck to you with your new job, NCgirl. :)

::balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

One week from today, I too will be a nurse anesthesia graduate!!!

It's been a long, hard road and praise GOD I survived. I have been in the thick of studying for boards for the last few weeks. I plan on taking boards the third week of January. However, I will take Jan 1-8 off and celebrate with my husband and 2 kids at Disney World!!! My new job begins Jan. 30.

Best of luck and CONGRATULATIONS everyone.

Sprout :nurse:

i am so proud of you guys. please know that you are totally inspiring to me! i love how you keep all of us hopefuls updated on your educational experiences by discussing clinical topics, anesthesia politics, hearing your advice, etc. keep posting, and don't be too embarrassed when you see a thread here (by yours truly) - dedicated to you and your new initials...

crna !


Graduated last month. Took that god forsaken quiz yesterday. Start my new job tomorrow, and will be going on a cruise in April!

congrats you all - i am under the 6month mark - can't wait to be in your shoes....

even though our program starts in the winter - we graduate in may... ugh...

I'm green with envy! Also very very impressed. Well done to all who are finished or nearly so, and may your post-school lives be all that you've dreamed of.

WAY TO GO ALL OF YOU...I can't wait to be in your position. WOW.... I think it is so funny that some of you called it a quiz. At my interviews they called them "quizzes" too. I found that interesting. Guess it is to curb anxiety. I can't wait. I plan on going on a great vacation too. So guys keep your eyes posted on this thread because in 2008 my name will be somewhere talking about IT IS OVER!!!!! Best of luck to you in your future, and please continue to post and let me know how the transition from SRNA-CRNA is. Is it like going from nursing student- RN? Do you feel prepared to work on your on after graduation? CONGRATULATIONS again!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
:lol2: Congrats to you all :Melody:

Congratulations to all 2005 grads!!!! I'm so proud of you guys, I remember when you all started. Hopefully you all take boards before christmas and enjoy the holidays without anything else to worry about. Good luck to everyone, keep us posted. My count down is something like 350 days or close to it :rotfl: :w00t:

They let me fly the coop, too! I am officially done and looking forward to January exam/start dates.

Words cannot express the elation and sense of accomplishment (and relief, honestly) you feel when you are done. At the same time, you know there is still so much more to learn...

To those of you who are pursuing this path, keep at it and don't give up. If I can do it, then you can do it! This is a fantastic profession that's worth every bit of effort you put into achieving this goal.

Good luck to everyone. Will try to post interesting stories now that the preceptor has exited the building and I am on my own!

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