Dear well-meaning friends and family members: the rantings of a jobless new grad


Specializes in Emergency Room.

Dear well-meaning friends and family members,

I love you all dearly and appreciate your support during this frustrating time of my life. However, I'd just like to clear some things up so that you and I can move on to things I actually want to talk about:

No, I did not yet find a job. Believe me, when I find one, you'll know! I will shout if from my rooftop and notify everyone I know via phone, text, email, Facebook, and any other mode of communication I can think of.

Yes, there is a nursing shortage. I'd just rather not explain for the 1,000th time that hospitals are STILL not hiring! Shocking, I know!

I guess it would seem that despite what you've heard, nursing is NOT recession-proof!

No, I do not want to discuss with you anything about my job hunt or interviews, or lack thereof. It's difficult enough dealing with it 24/7. I do not feel the desire to re-hash it.

I could sit and tell you all about where I'd love to work and why, but it's not really relevant since at this point I will basically take any job I can get.

No, I do not know much about the illness your child/parent/neighbor/aunt/uncle has, nor can I give you my advice, because A) I will not dispense advice to someone I never met B) I am a new grad and don't know everything just yet.

And lastly, NO! I do NOT want to know about any personal medical problems you are dealing with that involve a body part I would not discuss at the dinner table! Yes, you may be my best friend, but in no way, shape, or form do I want to hear about your stool. This is why you have a doctor who is NOT your best friend. I know I'm a nurse, but that does not mean I like discussing poop with people I know.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Well get used to people feeling the need to tell you all their personables! Sheesh I got accousted by a lady in the grocery store the other day. Good luck with the job hunt.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I hate it when I have to stop at the store on my way home from work. The minute people see the scrubs I learn all about thier medical history, current bowel regime (and results), past & future surgeries, you name it. Get used to it, just stand your ground and don't diagnose them, refer them to thier primary care. Hang in there, somethings gotta give on the job front. Good Luck!

Specializes in LPN, Peds, Public Health.

You mean its not norman to have poo discussions with your best friend??? My best friend and I have them all the time... actually, we have discussions all the time about things I would be too embarrassed to talk to my Dr. about! (She's a nurse too)

I've never had to deal w/your last 2 full paragraphs but apart from those I feel JUST llike you! "Oh that's great you're a nurse, you'll always have a job" Umm NO!

"Oh I know so-and-so hospital is hiring" This usually comes from other nurses who for some reason don't understand the humongous difference that being a new grad makes to these hospitals. All the hospitals are hiring. Just not new grads. THis is just 2 among other comments..ahhh.

Specializes in NICU.

And don't you just LOVE it when they send you the employment website of the local hospital? Like you hadn't already thought of that one.....

I am a nursing STUDENT and a man at my gym proceeded to tell me all about his VASECTOMY!!!!! YUCK!!!

Specializes in Emergency Room.
And don't you just LOVE it when they send you the employment website of the local hospital? Like you hadn't already thought of that one.....

YES!!! Forgot to mention that one. "I looked at some websites and there are a lot of job openings at XYZ hospital" REALLY???? Do you honestly think I have not checked the websites of every hospital in the state, not to mention many in several other states?!?! What do you think I do all day while I'm unemployed?? Hint: I'm not tanning at the beach! ARGGGGHHHH so frustrating!!!

I keep wanting to conceal the fact that I am a nursing student, but I still spill the beans. Oh well. I know for sure that when I go abroad this winter, I will just say that I am a biology major. I like being left alone, so it's better not to reveal too much.

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Oh my goodness. Get used to everyone asking you questions about every little thing. Funny story-when I first met my husband's father, he would not look at me, would not address me, would not acknowledge me at all (he comes from a long line of German men who think that women are just above the scum of the earth) until he knew that I was an OR nurse. Then the questions about his hemorrhoids abounded! I was the center of the room, and let me tell you, it was VERY uncomfortable! Get used to the questions-they don't stop no matter WHAT you tell them!

And don't you just LOVE it when they send you the employment website of the local hospital? Like you hadn't already thought of that one.....

lol I am SO sick of this. Like I am going to call them up & be like "THANKS! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT ONE", oh and if they read the webiste before copy & pasting it to me, they would have seen the notice about NOT ACCEPTING APPS FROM NEW GRADS on the front page.

Specializes in burning out.

To the author (I don't know how to quote yet):

Kudos x 1 Kazbillion

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