I am looking for advice on dealing with death.
I graduated in May and began working in June on a tele unit. Aside from feeling quite similar to many new grads in the sense of feeling really stupid at times, I find my hardest dealing at this time to be with the death of a patient.
Since I started, I have had two Code Blues. Although I knew it would come sooner or later, I was hoping for later.
1st, for both codes, I feel I was ill prepared in the actual code process, again feeling stupid, not knowing how to document the situation as it proceeded. As the nurse, I understand my role is to report to the MD and be prepared as to the patient history etc. This part of the process I can improve over time and I am not concerned with.
However, my bigger problem is this, I made it through the codes as all the action was taking place, stumbling a little of course, but made it through. But, when the end came and the patients did not make it, I lost control of my emotions and cried. I questioned my abilities, my assessments, and my view of myself as being a weak individual for my expression of emotion. I also feel my peers see me as weak as well, although they state they don't. Both times I have taken this home with me and brewed for days over it.
I have had a very supportive team of nurses to help me, but some, with their explanation of "death is part of life" and "you'll get used to it as time goes on" just doesn't cut it for me and almost feels cold to me.
I was not naive to the fact that death would be a part of my career. I guess I feel some how I have not prepared myself well enough for it mentally.
I would like words of advice from others in how you have dealt with this throughout your careers.
Thank you in advance.