Updated: Jul 23, 2023 Published Nov 9, 2005
541 Posts
I am considering applying to a grad program for psych NP/CNS. Before I finalize my decision, I want to know what I am getting myself into! If there are any psych NPs or CNSs on these boards, can you tell me what your day is like? I would just like a general idea. What type of facility do you work in? How much of your day is spent with medication management, therapy, etc.? Is salary competitive compared with other specialities? How common is it for a psych NP/CNS to own a private practice?
I would love to hear what other people have to say as well!
Thank you!
22 Posts
585 Posts
Where was this moved to?
Oh now I see sorry-nurse practitioners-I just got accepted into graduate school.. I would also appreciate learning more about the day in the life of a psych NP-thanks
45 Posts
What is the average salary for Psych NP? I keep hearing that there is a lot of money to be made. (In DFW)
What is DFW?
Dallas Forth Worth
193 Posts
I would also really love to see a response to this post!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I am not sure how many psych APNs we have here - they are a pretty rare breed.
I'm considering the psych/mental health NP program where i live as well and would be interested in hearing from any current psych NP's out there.
1 Article; 2,806 Posts
I'm a psych NP student so I can't tell you what it's like yet. I have seen salary ranges up to $150k. I don't think the demand will drop any due to all the turmoil in the world. I also went this route because I wanted all my hours in one area vs 500 plus hours trying to learn all kinds of primary care stuff. Plus if I hear one more minor complaint about a sore muscle or minor ache, I'm going to go berserk!
Ha, you just described me, Zenman. I am waiting for acceptance into a psych NP program as we speak ... write. I work in employee clinics now and most of my days are allergies or "sinus infections," with an occasional carpal tunnel mixed in. I quickly realized FNP was not the route for me, but families with mental health issues? Bring 'em on! I work prn in an emotional health unit and that's what keeps me happy. :redbeathe
As for hearing from NPs, I wouldn't mind more info myself.