Dating while in NS?


Specializes in Neuro.

Has anyone else had problems trying to date while in nursing school?

Most of the other students in my classes are married, so I can't really discuss my problems with them. But when you are just trying to get a relationship off of the ground or put yourself out there to meet new people, NS can really cramp your style.

I only have 1 free night a week.

Am I the only one?:bugeyes:

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Its harder cause of the girls in my class. They all manage to find out who I have a date with then they make a point to tell me every bad thing about this person, then go and talk to her and feed them lies so makes it very unpleasant. I hate A.) small towns and b.) girls who love drama uggggggh

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

I've recently found myself in a similar situation to the OP. Based on what I've read previously on other threads around the site, my thoughts are to not look for anything serious (because there's no way I have time for that and school) and to not date someone in the same cohort. Everyone in the cohort knows everyone else, they talk to everyone, and I'll have to deal with the cohort as a whole for another two years, so it's a bad idea to create drama by dating one of them.

I thought people didnt have time to date in nursing school! I know I dont want to, I want to be TOTALLY focused on classes. Maybe you should wait to date after your done with nursing school.

My BF and I have been together for a little over 2 years. We were together before clinicals started, and he knew what my priorities were then. I do love him dearly but I only get to see him about once a week due to school/my work/his work. He understands this and knows that in the long run it will make for a better life for us. Yes it is difficult but it can be done, you just need to let whoever you are dating know from the beginning how it is going to be. Good luck.

My BF have had the same discussion we have been together for about a year and will be getting married next year:redbeathe. I rarely have time to see him with all the studying I have to do and it is hard but he understands that I really need this so that I will be able to find a job to help support us. Nursing school is extremely time consuming, but it will be worth it when I am working next year and married. Good luck to you in school and I hope if you do start to date that the guy you are with will support you.:yeah::yeah:

Okay as weird as this sounds, I have the perfect realtionship for going to school. The guy I'm seeing is currently serving in the Army in Iraq. We have actually never met in person, but I feel like I know him more than anyone else. It's good because we're both so busy but we keep eachother going. He comes back in May when my first semester ends and I'm so excited to get to meet this wonderful guy! (And don't worry its legit, no 50 year old in prison or anything)

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

It sucks, doesn't it? I have been with my boyfriend for a little over one year, and we see each other once a week, generally. I told my mom that if he and I break up, I'm not dating until I graduate. I remember how much of a distraction he was back when I was taking ONE class, when we first started dating, and there's no way I could do well in nursing school with a case of "new boyfriend-itis"! :bugeyes:

Luckily, my man is very understanding about the situation, and is as dedicated to my succeeding in school as I am, so no guilt trips.

i know what you mean.i am my first sem of adn program, and am still in shock over the amount of material we cover and all other stuff like skills,clinicaqls, online tests. i met my bf just before sch started and i thot i could work it out but it wont work!! i see him only once a week because am working and i have only one free day. and i still feel like i should be studying instead!! so i think this rship is going to fizzle really fast!!

My new hubby always put me first. It's wild and strange sometimes, but he always wants me to do what is in my best interest. We dated for nearly 6 years before getting married. Ours is a unique situation that allowed me to do more for myself....He is in the National Guard (full time) in another state. He commutes home on the weekends. That gives me time to focus on school when he is not here. This next Jan (2010) he is due to deploy again....this time to Afganistan. He will be gone during my 3rd and 4th semesters in NS. I will be able to totally focus on what I need to do and keeping busy will make missing him less painful. (Trust me, that first deployment was ROUGH!)

You can date if you find the right person.....but, they are few and far between. Take your time and do what you need to do for NS and if the right person comes along then go for it.

As it has been advised here, I would caution folks not to date someone in NS with you or at the hospital where you have clinicals......that crap *will* get around and if it goes sour, it could get difficult for you.

Good Luck!

It's pretty tricky but it can be done. I met somebody almost at the end of my second year. It worked out because he was pursing his own thing at University and was pretty dedicated to it. The first few weeks we usually only saw each other once a week. I think you just have to find somebody who is understanding and has their own things to do so that they don't make you feel guilty.

Trying to meet lots of potential partners is a huge waste of time. Take it as it comes.

Specializes in LTC.

My fiance and I started dating before I started nursing school so far everything have worked out just fine. He is very loving and supportive of me. We are also getting married In April, right after I start medsurg ! I know it sounds crazy but we love each other and can make it through anything with the help of GOD :)

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