My girlfriend is a doctor. I am but a lowly student murse. This is my confession: My admission of guilt that no matter how progressive I am, I still have an inferiority complex.
Friends ask, "Why would you want to go to nursing school?" You'll never be a billionaire or even a millionaire." For some, my girlfriend included, nursing is a path chosen for those not capable of the rigors of 4 years of medical school.
Just imagine the parties I've been to surrounded by her doctor friends trying to keep a straight face when I tell them my ambition is to be a male nurse. I'd like to go into monkey mode, fling poop and fire insults. "Oh, you're an orthopedic surgeon? Too bad you're ugly and smell like rotten pistachios...
I'm sorry. I'm not even sure what that means.
Here's the deal: I genuinely believe in the nursing model. Nurses have the ability to heal in ways that doctors will never understand. To connect with patients and learn about yourself and your limits as a caregiver. To stare a frightened patient in the eyes and help them find peace in death. Maybe, just maybe i can learn to find courage and grace in the face of death, too.
To my friends: lawyers,doctors, bankers, venture capitalists. I doubt your career allows you to feel the full range of emotions that nurses battle and embrace. From existential crises to manic jubilation at unexpected patient outcomes.
I didn't mess up. I didn't fail. Actually, I'm right where I want to be.
Oh! But she's wonderful! Smart and caring, beautiful and bold. She says what she means and I love her for that. Oh dear God, I love her.