Dangers of teaching kids they can be boys or girls

Nurses General Nursing


One girl is struggling with her gender, and now 3 girls who are all friends of the first girl, think they are trans and have asked the doctor for hormones.

Two of these girls have issues eg self harm (cutting) and playing with eating disorders.

It appears some young teenagers are substituting typical self-harm strategies with a new way to self harm, and this is to try and change gender.

The UK has gone from 50 gender dysphoria cases a year to over 2000. This is a lie. This has come about because children are being told they can be the opposite gender, and that gender is a social construct.

This is a danger to children, and I'm dealing with it at work.

Can anyone else see the harm this ******** is causing?

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.

I love you guys...seriously, it's a joy to read some of your responses. Even 20 years ago these responses would not have been possible...we've come a long way. I can't speak from the perspective of a transgender person, but I can speak from the perspective of a lesbian woman. I knew I was gay when I was a young child, but I didn't have the words to describe it. Do you know why? Because every single TV show, magazine, commercial, movie and book described heterosexual relationships in a way that could not identify with. No one talked about it back in the 70s. All I knew was that I had these feelings that wouldn't go away. I kept quiet for years but one day when I saw a representation of lesbians on TV I finally had a word for what I was. It was freeing and at that moment I finally had an identity. That's why representation is so important. Those feelings are not going to go away...they WILL endure and they WILL force you to acknowledge them at some point, whether it be during your teen years, your 20s or eventually in your 50s. If someone is genuinely gay or transgender there comes a point when you can no longer ignore it, because when you live your entire life invalidated and invisible it is acutely and intolerably painful.

It is vital that we talk about it, because failing to do so kills people. Shame, self-hate, bigotry, and trans/homophobia is damaging. If you keep telling youths they are sinful, disgusting, unnatural, shameful and wicked, they will believe it and have to live a life that is damaged beyond repair. They will grow into people that cut themselves, take drugs or kill themselves. The hatred for trans and gay people is palpable. All you have to do is go and read the comments on any Facebook post about gay or transgender people to see the hatred and disgust we face every day. Just because we are now allowed to marry or transition doesn't mean everything's fine. The hatred is still there only now there is the internet where people can express that hatred anonymously with nothing to dampen their vitriol. It still wounds me to read it...I thought we'd come further than that. It's still damaging to me all these years later, to know that we have not yet resolved this irrational fear of those who are different.

When my mother found out I was gay at 17, she threw me out of the house and I was homeless for 2 years. That's what happens when you don't allow kids to be themselves. I am lucky to have had a strength of character to survive and flourish, but there are thousands more who don't. They are driven to the point of madness and desperation because they believe they have no right to exist. The ideals expressed by the OP are just the surface of those damaging attitudes, and I applaud all of you for taking a stand against it. I didn't "grow out of it". I'm still gay 30 years later...it's as integral to my identity as my left arm. If that's what you truly are it's part of you. You can't shame it out of someone, nor beat it out of them. For God's sake OP, just support them. Let them talk and express themselves. Validate them. If they're truly not transgender that truth will out itself. In the end, everyone becomes who they really are. It's far more damaging to try and make them fit into some narrow societal contruct than it is to let them explore.

I'm curious... Are you convinced you were born gay?

I assume you do.

Does it upset you to find out the liberal left are now preaching that the gender you are attracted to is a spectrum as well - your own base of support is now contradicting you.

If he's so popular, why have so many of us not heard of him?

Because you live in a little bubble that feeds each other's delusions.

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.
I'm curious... Are you convinced you were born gay?

I assume you do.

Does it upset you to find out the liberal left are now preaching that the gender you are attracted to is a spectrum as well - your own base of support is now contradicting you.

Careful, you're revealing your true self. Are you convinced you were born straight? How do you know? Is it because everyone around you told you you should be? Or did you just know? How do you think people come to the realization that they're gay anyway? Considering I was force fed a diet of heterosexuality from birth by family and the media, it's a wonder I was able to be myself at all. Because my sexuality is natural and innate, it persisted, despite the poison from people like you. And you, my dear, are the very reason that this issue exists, because you are unaware of your own bigotry and push it as the truth. It would be karmic justice if all your daughters turn out to be gay, so that you will be forced to face the damage you have done.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
He's far from discredited, and is one of the most popular people speakers in the world right now.

Popular does not mean his thoughts have scientific merit or that he's a good person there was a time when Hitler was Time Magazine's Man or the year (1938) and one of the most popular speakers in the world so popular in fact that he was able to lead the sheep into murdering over 6 million people.


He actually doesn't have that many qualifications & much experience. He's taught a little, wrote a book, & has a YouTube channel. Nothing that stands out & makes me go "wow"!

According to this, he has top notch education and credentials.However, nowhere in this bio do I see that he specializes in transgender issues or has does extensive research in the field.

Jordan Peterson - Wikipedia

The field of clinical psychology is vast. Getting a Ph.D in clinical psychology doesn't mean that you are an expert in everything "psychological." You could be an expert in anxiety/depression and yet not know diddly squat about the biological/psychological/social issues/research results/ongoing studies etc. surrounding the issue of gender.

Careful, you're revealing your true self. Are you convinced you were born straight? How do you know? Is it because everyone around you told you you should be? Or did you just know? How do you think people come to the realization that they're gay anyway? Considering I was force fed a diet of heterosexuality from birth by family and the media, it's a wonder I was able to be myself at all. Because my sexuality is natural and innate, it persisted, despite the poison from people like you. And you, my dear, are the very reason that this issue exists, because you are unaware of your own bigotry and push it as the truth. It would be karmic justice if all your daughters turn out to be gay, so that you will be forced to face the damage you have done.

You still don't get it.

Gay people insist they're born that way, and now people on the left are saying it's not so.

I have no idea either way, but I do know it's not a spectrum, at least for most people I know.

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.
You still don't get it.

Gay people insist they're born that way, and now people on the left are saying it's not so.

I have no idea either way, but I do know it's not a spectrum, at least for most people I know.

What "people on the left"? Sweeping generalizations are not an argument. Seems just like an excuse to get your point across. Just because you think you know people and that no one you know is on a spectrum doesn't mean they aren't. You have no idea what goes on in people's minds or behind closed doors. Those doors are closed for a reason, because society is harsh and judgmental. No one ever guessed that all-American Bruce Jenner felt the way he did until he became Caitlyn. No one guessed manly Rock Hudson was gay until he came out. No one assumes anyone is anything else but rigid straight...until it's proved otherwise. Society is dead set against people of differing persuasions, which is why people like John Travolta, Tom Cruise and a million others don't come out. They're afraid...afraid they'll lose everything they've ever worked for. That's why at work we use vague terms like "they" to describe our partners, so we can hide behind a safety wall, in case we come across someone like you who might threaten our career. You think you know people but you don't.

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.

Hardly credible when the Witherspoon Institute was founded by a religious right individual with known opposition to LGBT policies. The Heritage Foundation is another conservative think tank, and MassResistance is a biased anti-gay extreme right organization. I think you have to do better than that. We're talking independent double-blind studies, if you want your research to be taken seriously. Don't just throw out obviously biased and slanted stuff like this.

An extensive study conducted on sexuality back in the 50's concluded that it exists on a spectrum, and that relatively few people are truly "straight" or "gay".

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.
It's odd, but ALLNURSES won't let me post the link where you can watch as a professor from one your universities says on national TV there is no biological difference.

Why can't you just type www(dot)imnotabletocomeupwithcrediblesources(dot)com and let the chips fall where they may?

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