CSUS Spring 2011 hopeful


I am planning to apply for Sac State's BSN program for Spring 2011. I wanted to get some advice from those who have been accepted for Fall 2010 since the selection criteria has changed. What was your total points, GPA, TEAS scores (if you don't mind posting)? Were you an alternate before getting in? If so, what number were you?

Also, is Sac State accepting 2011 transfer students? I'm a current student, but I just wanted to know to see what my chances are in getting accepted. I'm so nervous & just doubting myself so much! I heard the current cut off point as of now is 58pts & they're on alternate #54! Any advice or feedback would be great. Thanks!

If not on the 30th of Nov, then may be a few days yearlier is what the nursign dept. said.

I am so with you guys: Freaking out! It is misery waiting. I have emailed the department with various questions and have gotten prompt and attentive replies in the past; however, I'm not going to push my luck anymore, because I'm SURE I've gotten annoying. I bet a lot of us have. ;)

I have 77 points without the supplemental points. I was told that even if your income is low, unless you inlcude parental info, your FAFSA will not be valid for extra points. So that sucks if you're an older non-dependant student. I'm also stressing on the points for a disadvantaged background due to a poorly scoring high school... Everything seems uncertain until WE GET THOSE EMAILS:eek:

I am sure my family will be happy when I stop obsessing:yeah:

Oh yeah, and STILL no word on the 60 or 80 students question... That will make a HUGE difference on points. Wish we knew.

Specializes in Emergency Department, House Supervisor.


I am a grad student in nursing, but I know about getting in to nursing school and Sac State is one of the hardest because they have SO MANY applicants.

If...and I genuinely pray that you do get in now...but if you don't, do not overlook some of the private nursing schools. Sure they are expensive, but they also give away about half-your tuition to you. They DO accept lots of students. There was no way my daughter was going to get into a public school nursing program because she had "good grades" and not "superior grades" so we applied at St. Mary's College of California. She got in. Then they awarded her nearly half the tuition. Let me be clear...she did not qualify for financial aid. They do this. There is also Dominican in San Rafael...same story.

I hope this helps. ( I hope you don't need the info)


I hope I don't need it either syckRN, but thank you so much for the information!:redpinkhe

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

do not overlook some of the private nursing schools. Sure they are expensive, but they also give away about half-your tuition to you. They DO accept lots of students. There was no way my daughter was going to get into a public school nursing program because she had "good grades" and not "superior grades" so we applied at St. Mary's College of California. She got in. Then they awarded her nearly half the tuition. Let me be clear...she did not qualify for financial aid. They do this.

I hope this helps.

As a prenursing hopeful in the Sac area AND as a mommy to a sophomore in highschool, I want to say

THANK YOU SYCKRN!!!!!! for the info!

I am so with you guys: Freaking out! It is misery waiting. I have emailed the department with various questions and have gotten prompt and attentive replies in the past; however, I'm not going to push my luck anymore, because I'm SURE I've gotten annoying. I bet a lot of us have. ;)

I have 77 points without the supplemental points. I was told that even if your income is low, unless you inlcude parental info, your FAFSA will not be valid for extra points. So that sucks if you're an older non-dependant student. I'm also stressing on the points for a disadvantaged background due to a poorly scoring high school... Everything seems uncertain until WE GET THOSE EMAILS:eek:

I am sure my family will be happy when I stop obsessing:yeah:

That more than sucks it feels discriminatory. What if your parents are dead or you just don't have contact with them. This is the same reason I couldn't even attend college until I had a child. It's a backwards system.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking ncaligrl.

Are you a student @ CSUS now? I'm a mom as well. I really hope to get in this semester (like all of us do:o). I can't imagine the cost of going to CSUS for another semester studying another subject while I wait to get into the program, because my pre-reqs/co-reqs are already finished. Have you finished yours?

Did someone really hear the cut-off point for Spring 2011!!!!????

Hi Lanakopp,

Did you really hear the possible cut-off point for Spring 2011!?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking ncaligrl.

Are you a student @ CSUS now? I'm a mom as well. I really hope to get in this semester (like all of us do:o). I can't imagine the cost of going to CSUS for another semester studying another subject while I wait to get into the program, because my pre-reqs/co-reqs are already finished. Have you finished yours?

Did someone really hear the cut-off point for Spring 2011!!!!????

This will be my first semester at Csus. I did all my prereqs at sac city. Now just focused on finding affordable housing and hope financial aid will cover everything.

Man, I wouldn't want to take useless classes next semester if I don't get in. I heard there's going to be a 5% tuition increase for Spring semester & an even higher one for 2011-2012 school year, so we better get in the nursing program! Hahaha. I can't afford to pull out anymore loans for classes I don't need. I hope we receive an email to notify us when emails will be sent out because this wait is driving me nuts!

I attended the transfer student orientation monday and ms tallman said she hoped to be done and hve emails out just before thanksgiving but no gaurantee. Also she said the point cutoff was definitely lower than fall but doesnt know exact number because she's not done yet.

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