CSULB Spring 2015

U.S.A. California


Hey everyone,

I want to apply for csulb nursing program for spring 2015 cohort, is there anybody here who is applying for spring also? Do you think spring cohort is easier to get in?

Mine say's ive been offered admission subject to confirmation. What does this mean?! Did the SON confirm with the school already? :nailbiting:

Specializes in NICU.

I think "subject to confirmation" means after they receive your transcripts and AP scores to make sure everything you reported on the supplemental application was truthful.

Where'd did you guys go to check your status?

Specializes in NICU.

CSULB Enrollment Services

Click "check my application status"

Oh never mind yeah I have been accepted too but I think it depends on if SON accepts us first

my application status says my application is still under review :/

I guess everyone here should be accepted to CSULB but not necessarily mean u have been accepted by nursing department!

I am in!

Talked to "her" and she said the university wouldn't have accepted you if the SON didn't request it. The only reason the nursing department didn't send out letters yet is because she needs to figure out the room situation for orientation. She will send it out next week. So if you checked online and it said you were accepted to CSULB you are in! CONGRATS ALL!

That was from the fall 2013 forums. So I'm guessing if you checked your application status of csulb and it says you're accepted to csulb then the SON must have accepted you, no?

I know a way we can clarify all of this!!! Someone just be that one brave soul to call and see what's going on!!!!!

You're right dickeydo! Your brave soul should ask and let us know ;)

That was from the fall 2013 forums. So I'm guessing if you checked your application status of csulb and it says you're accepted to csulb then the SON must have accepted you, no?

I remember that the Director of undergrad nursing saying in the info session last September that the school waits for SON on whom to offer admission. It makes sense because there is really no point of them inviting you to accept admission unless the SON has already qualified you to be accepted in the program. We declare majors in our school app so they won't act on your app unless SON gives the "ok".

Just my two cents :up:

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