U.S.A. California


Hey everyone so I have been waiting for a couple of years to finally have all of the pre-reqs done to be able to apply to nursing school. I am finally finished and am just waiting for CSULB-elmsn's program which will start in Fall 2011. I want to know who else is planning on applying so we can have each other to go through the process with and I'm not going to lie I would really like to see what the competition is like. Goodluck to everyone. I look forward to meeting you in the fall!

Hey! Thank you for the update DDA. How did you find out?

OMG check your emails everyone!

I just got the official email. I'M IN!! My heart's pounding and my hands shaking. Now I have to go to my car and scream my head off!!! Good luck everyone. I hope to meet you all at the orientation.

I just got the email too!! Congrats ames3!

I am shaking and so incredibly excited :) Congrats to all who were offered admission!

Cannot wait to meet everyone at the orientation


I'm in!! Congrats ames3 and princesspea as well!!

Congrats siberiantiger!! So glad to hear :D:yeah::D:yeah:

I'm so excited!!!!! I got the e-mail 5 min ago. See you all at orentation!

congrats everyone!!!!!!!!!!

@claudia1986: you don't need a 3.00 undergrad GPA to get in (as far as this year's rules went). i hope this doesn't deter you from applying next year! (just demolish your TEAS if you feel your grades are not "competitive" enough :D) good luck!!! you really NEVER know :)

whooooooooooooo *commences celebratory flailing around house*

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

So happy for everyone!!! I can't wait to meet you all at orientation!!!!!

Hi guys!!! I just found out I was accepted yesterday and am soooo ecstatic! just my luck, i am out of town for a friends wedding in ny on orientation day. agh im super bummed-i dont wanna miss out on anything! but i also dont want to cancel my trip! monalisa told me about this site and said that if i found someone who would collect paperwork for me and then fill me in on everything acting as my "proxy"-that it would be ok. is there anyone who could help me out?!? i live in redondo beach but can meet ya anywhere for coffee or something the week after orientation to get caught up. i would really appreciate it! thank you thank you! and congrats to all!!!

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

Hey kendra!

First off congratulations! I don't really live close to you but I will definitely be at orientation and will be taking notes... I would be happy to call you after or email you whichever you prefer and give you the information you miss... if you want to PM me I will give you my full name and contact info...

thank you!! i dont know how to private message you-dont think i have figured this thing out yet..i really appreciate it and cant wait to chat!

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