Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone!

I'm applying to the fall 2017 program and wanted to start a thread in case anyone had questions for each other, compare points, etc. This way we can all stay updated with this stressful process! :)

I was freaking out for a sec hahaha Thanks! I'm just freaking out about notifications being sent out this week 'cause my friends are getting their UC acceptances. Ahhhhhh.


How do you see your application status for CSUCI? I'm not currently a student there.

Dang, I'm applying with 29 points, but I am male and military. We will see.


If you're talking about your Nursing application to CSUCI. You just to go their nursing portal (where you submitted your online application), and you can check your status when you log in.

When you applied to CSUCI through CSUmentor, they should've sent you an email that had your CSUCI Dolphin name and passcode. It's an email that links you to myci.csuci.edu , you log in there --> click on "My Records" and it'l show the status of your undergraduate application.

And don't sweat it, I've heard people get in with less than 30 points from past years. There's always that possibility. :)

Hey guys.. Just got my acceptance letter less than 5 minutes ago.

For the sake of future classes, it would be cool if people would list their stats and whether or not they got in. I'd also like to add that if you did not get in and you're on the fringes of 35 points, there is a good chance you'll get in off the alternate list. Remember, not every applicant that gets accepted to CSUCI will choose to attend. They likely got accepted to other schools as well and may choose those other schools.

Anyways, I'll start.

runstohousebeats- 37 points- accepted.

I haven't received an email! :( :(

Nice!! Congrats.... got it on email?

Thanks. And yes. I got it by email.

Congrats runtshousebeats!! Ahh i haven't received an email too ellinurse31!!

When is the orientation???? If I'm on the alternate list I need to make sure I have that day off lol

Got my acceptance letter today via email!

accepted with 36 points! 😁

Orientation is May 24 at 1pm.

And congrads krisphil18.

Current list:

runstohousebeats - 37 points- Accepted

krisphil18 - 36 points- Accepted

If anyone else thats applying and has gotten a decision could post, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks runstohousebeats!


Can't wait to meet you all! Class of 2020 Wootwoot!

EDIT-Good news for those on the alternate list: I'm deciding to attend SDSU BSN program, so someone will be able to take my slot. :) I wish you all the best!

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