
Hello everyone!

I'm applying to the fall 2017 program and wanted to start a thread in case anyone had questions for each other, compare points, etc. This way we can all stay updated with this stressful process! :)

runstohousebeats - 37 points- Accepted

krisphil18 - 36 points- Accepted

kmalone- -35 points- Accepted (going to SDSU)

If anyone else thats applying and has gotten a decision could post, it would be much appreciated.

Got my conditional acceptance today! (still taking classes this semester)

can't wait to meet all of you :)

How did you guys know what your final points were? on the nursing app it says my estimated total points is 34

I believe our final points should be the ones shown on the "view status" page of our nursing apps.

But woohoo congrats to everyone who has gotten in!

For those who are currently non-CSUCI students, did you accept your Intent to Enroll on myci.csuci.edu? My box was a check mark for "admitted" but when I accepted my intent to enroll, the box turned into a triangle again (?)

All decisions go out today I'm assuming? No email = no acceptance I'm assuming.

Hi guys! I just got mine yesterday. I got 37 points :) Congrats to everyone who got in!! Super excited to meet everyone!

Accepted here! with 39 points! Yay I can't wait to meet you all! Does anyone want to start making a facebook group? I know it's early, but I'm just so excited to go through the this journey with you guys ^____^

csucinursing20 - 39 points - Accepted

runstohousebeats - 37 points- Accepted

Greekyogurt123 - 37 points- Accepted

krisphil18 - 36 points- Accepted

kmalone- -35 points- Accepted (going to SDSU)

Ikozma- 34 points- Accepted

Got my acceptance letter a few days ago and I'm so excited!! Can't wait for orientation to meet everyone. I got in with 36 points as a transfer. Congrats to everyone that got in

For NON CSUCI students who got an email about the post bacc thingy, are you guys still gonna do the transfer orientation? I'm thinking of doing it because I feel like I'm gonna be completely lost attending a new university.

Did they send out alternatives or denial letters ?

@truebluefoo I'm not sure :/ but the email attachment included an agenda that has a confirmation date for turning in a form if you are an alternate candidate. In case they might've overlooked your application, I would email them asking if they have sent out all letters indicating all of the applicants' statuses. They're really quick at responding to emails :)

Any transfers planning to do the Transfer orientation. Anyone want to meet up there? Never been on campus so I think i want to do it to get to know the other students and staff, etc. ^___^

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