CSU San Marcos ABSN Summer 2014

U.S.A. California


Hey Everyone!!

The wait is driving me a little crazy, so I'd thought I'd start a thread for anyone else who is applying! I won't be finishing my last pre-reqs until end of December, so I'm probably way too late for the Spring cohort. Is anyone else in the same situation? Let me know! I'd love to talk to anyone applying/interested/already in the program :)

UPDATE: so I just talked to my advisor and he said that they aimed to send out admission letters the second week of February so...don't know if that means it's full or what.

That is so frustrating. I mean, I'm really glad Summer is still open! I just feel everytime I speak to somewhere there, I get different information. Sorry for the panic, haha I know am always glad of an update so I thought I would share.

@lgripe I appreciate the update, just not the heart attack! Lol I agree, I feel like a lot of misinformation is given out and different people say different things. Very frustrating. Well...we're all still in the running so hopefully good news comes February!

Hey ya'll-

Brand new to the site and forum but I submitted my application Jan 14 and yes experienced the sticker shock:uhoh3: of the $105 app fee because I meant to do it in December when it was still $55...drats oh well... It will all be worth it in the end. I'm hoping I might still have a glimmer of hope for Summer but I am finishing up Physio & Organic/Bio Chem this semester; so most likely I will have to hold out for Fall. I already took ANTH 301 at CSUSM so I will be sitting out for that the first semester regardless. Good luck to you all!!!


Don't freak out but...did anyone receive a second evaluation yet? I'm just asking because last year people did. Not sure if we are supposed to.

Also, I think people have been getting the wrong info because of the person at the front desk. Just talk to your advisor if anything. The girl that I called instead of my advisor said people get to know in March and all. WRONGGG. It's in Feb.

Yes I received my second evaluation this past Thursday. It took much longer than the first one. But yes, I spoke to an advisor as well and they told me in the early weeks of Feb.

I am also waiting to get into the Summer 2014 cohort! What does everyone's numbers look like? Also, does anyone know how we are notified? Mail, email, phone?

@janiney77 Was the second evaluation different than the first? I haven't gotten mine yet...maybe it's because I finished all my pre-core on the first eval so it wouldn't make sense to send the same thing.? ughhh idk lol. :down:

@nursejasr I think we are notified by mail and email. My score is 33...i think.


I just sent my application on Monday and sent my TEAS via email and my transcripts through priority mail so they should be getting that today. I am not sure if I will make it into the summer cohort which is fine I can wait until Fall. I am still taking Microbiology but pretty much I have good grades A's in most of the prerequisites and some B's. My GPA is 3.4 and my last 60 units should be higher around 3.6 or 3.7 ( have not calculated) . However, my TEAS score was 79.3%. I hope I have a shot. I have one question for those that have already received their evaluation. Do they ask if you have any volunteer experience in the medical field? I do and I wish I could have put that on my application. THanks!

If I am calculating my numbers right, I am scoring at 31 points. I hope that is a good number ! :yes:

Hi vaguayo!

31 is an awesome score! The average has been like 27 for the last couple cohorts, so you have a great shot! Good luck!

And I'm pretty sure they don't consider anything besides the points :(

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