CSU San Marcos ABSN Summer 2014


Hey Everyone!!

The wait is driving me a little crazy, so I'd thought I'd start a thread for anyone else who is applying! I won't be finishing my last pre-reqs until end of December, so I'm probably way too late for the Spring cohort. Is anyone else in the same situation? Let me know! I'd love to talk to anyone applying/interested/already in the program :)

I'm in the exact same situation! I sent in everything I had for current transcripts and TEAS scores but my Micro class doesn't finish until mid-December. The wait is driving me nuts too.

Right?! I just want to start school already! I still have an ounce of hope that my grades will be ready in time for Spring, but I know it will most likely be summer. Are you applying to any other programs?

I think we'll probably both be put into the summer pool...especially with final grades coming out right around the holidays. Yeah, I applied to Western's MSN-E program and Azusa's ELM program. Did you apply to any others?

I went back and forth about applying to Western this whole year. I ended up deciding to do an ABSN program then go back for my FNP after getting some RN experience. Good luck!!! I loved Western when I went to the preview day.

Have you taken the TEAS yet? I take mine Saturday, and have been trying to cram study because I only have 25 points before the test.

Hi all!

I just got in my evaluation from the school today!

After looking through the spring forum, it sounds like the spring is full, but on my evaluation it says spring applicant. So, maybe it's not?

I still have a class in progress and it won't be done until early Dec, so I am on the same boat as you both.

I agree, I just want to start nursing school already! :)

lgripe, good luck on the test! Definitely use the ATI book if you have it. The math and english portion are identical to that. Reading, however, I found a bit more difficult..there were more reading passages than in the ATI book (I felt).

Hi janiney77! :)

That's so exciting! I've been reading old threads and there are some people who found out like 1-2 weeks before the semester started, so maybe you still have a shot! It seems like once people are already evaluated, updating your file with current grades makes the process go by reeeeallly fast! So that's good news!!!

And thank you for the tips for the TEAS! I bought the book and having been doing pretty well on the practice tests, but I definitely need all the points I can get!!

Are you applying to any other schools? Are you from the area?

Hi lgripe,

Yes, I am applying to one other ABSN and about 3 regular BSN programs. Hopefully I get into one of the 2 ABSN programs. I think I am looking at about 36 points, given that I receive an A in the class I am taking now. Looking at the past stats, my gpa for both the core and last 60 units are above the avg (3.77 and 3.62), but my teas is right at the avg (83.3%). Keeping my fingers crossed :)

No, I'm actually from the central valley. About 6 hours away..

How about you? Any other schools you're applying to?

Hi Everyone!

How soon after you submitted all the paperwork did you hear back from admissions? I just sent everything off Oct 8th so I am assuming I would be considered for the Summer 2014 as well? I don't have any classes in progress. I was hoping for Spring but I'll take what I can get!

Hi iflor11,

It took about 4 weeks for them to get an evaluation sent to me. If you sent it in Oct., i think you'll have your application evaluated just in time, since they start their summer acceptances in Nov (according to what I read).

Hey Everyone!

So I talked to an advisor this morning, and the Spring cohort is officially full... boo! But Summer is just around the corner!!

I am actually only applying to CSUSM at the moment. I really debated on applying to entry level MSN programs, but eventually decided on an ABSN. Looking at past statistics, I didn't think I was competitive enough for a lot of other programs, so I'm hoping it will work out!

I'm from up north too! From the East Bay, kinda close to Modesto! Has anyone heard a lot about Temecula? I'm acutally going to visit next weekend, just to explore around. I heard housing is pretty inexpensive though, which is nice!

Oh wow, I live like 15 mins south of Modesto!

No I haven't really heard anything about Temecula. The fact that housing is inexpensive is definitely a plus!

What did you get your first degree in?

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