CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

U.S.A. California


How many here has applied for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at CSULA?

I know it is a little bit early to talk about this, but I just submitted all of my grades, TEAS scores (ATI sends them to CSULA SON for you), and notification of health care work experience (dental assistant) from an employer.

It has been a long and anxious wait till April/May for letters of acceptance to come in, so I hope this thread can help everyone who is dealing with the same anxiety and stress that we are all dealing with.

So If anyone would like to share their overall "points" score, or questions regarding pre-reqs TEAS etc. I would be alright to share all of you mine, and answer some questions that I might know.

Thanks and godspeed everyone!

So today I went to hand in my verification of employment letter. I spoke to Monica and she remembered my name and thanked me for sending in the scores so i guess i'm good =]

She went onto say that they still haven't been given the number of how many students they may let in, but as soon as they do they'll be able to start picking. Keep those fingers crossed!

that's correct. They didn't have an exact number of students admitted till after the ranking process. It is determined by the number of applicants applying and the number eligible for admission (competitive GPAs vs non competitive GPAs and whether or not the TEAS was submitted on time.)

I heard that quite a few of my friends received letters of disqualification or denial a week or two ago. So it is showing that they are ranking as we speak.

If you didn't get a letter, you have survived the first phase of the application process.


Wait I thought that it said you need

SOC 201 AND NTRS 250 or 317 BEFORE your first quarter of NS?

So before would be like what, the spring or summer before you attend...IF you get in...

Thats why i was confused...why take a course before hand if you don't know if you get accepted?

maybe i read it wrong?

no you didn't read it wrong. that'll mean that you would have to take ntrs 250 and soc 201 in the summer if you get admitted for fall 2011.

NTRS 250, normally is a once a week course. So if you have applied for fall 2011 cohort, then it would be possible to manage taking it over the summer.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

oh but if you apply to the school to enter in fall (because your entering the SON in fall, if you get accepted) then how would you take it in the summer?

the CC i go to doesnt offer nutrition and taking it at another school where I don't have priority registration like I do now, I wouldn't be able to even get in the class...you know what I mean?

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

lol i am applying for 2012

So i have a long time to go, I just like to research WAY early to see if anything changes!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.
that's correct. They didn't have an exact number of students admitted till after the ranking process. It is determined by the number of applicants applying and the number eligible for admission (competitive GPAs vs non competitive GPAs and whether or not the TEAS was submitted on time.)

I heard that quite a few of my friends received lettersof disqualification or denial a week or two ago. So it is showing that they are ranking as we speak.

If you didn't get a letter, you have survived the first phase of the application process.


I am wondering if the dates for these things will be the same for when I apply, for next fall 2012...do you know when they put up the instructions for the NEXT applicant pool and what the cut off for points was for this fall?


they has summer school at CSULA, and from what I remember, they offer ntrs 250 every quarter.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

i know but if you didn't apply their summer enterance, then do i just take it somewhere else?

possibly, yeah I know it's tough because you don't go to this school and there is no CC equivalent.

but, in my plan, If I don't get in for summer, then in the fall, I would have to take that course and be behind from my cohort. that is just the way it is for now. I'm sure if you get accepted, they would make exceptions for their students.

I was in psy 160 last year, and there was a nursing student in the class taking nursing classes, showing that you can be in an elective/major class like psy 160 while taking nursing courses.

but hey, that was last year. I wouldn't know now.

I am wondering if the dates for these things will be the same for when I apply, for next fall 2012...do you know when they put up the instructions for the NEXT applicant pool and what the cut off for points was for this fall?


the dates are relatively the same. they might not be the exact date, but the timing for the application process and the notification of admission happens at around the same time every year.

they don't have cut off for points posted, because that is only determined after the application is sent and they have all applications are submitted for review

usually, they make fall 2012 nursing application available to you at around late August early September of 2011. That will give you all of the point rules, instructions needed for that term

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Thanks a bunch!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

One of my classmates is attending my cc because of everyone failing micro at CSULA. what happened?

the teacher taught the class at an upper graduate level. It was tough that quarter.

the course was so hard, that the highest score for the final was a C-!

I have a lot of respect for her because she definitely knew her stuff. She wasn't lazy or anything, it was just too much info we had to know in 10 weeks.

I managed to get an A- in lab, and a B- in Lecture.

when will your spring semester end?

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