CSN Spring 2015

U.S.A. Nevada


Is anyone applying for Spring 2015 Nursing Program 2015? I applied for Fall 2014 with 37 points and will be applying for Spring 2015 with 38 points. Does anyone have pointers for the application process? Has anyone gone to the limited entry workshop? I have been discouraged, and need some uplifting information.

I'm currently taking 224 and 251. (First time for both)

Well you give me hope!! I'll be applying for fall with probably 26

Well you give me hope!! I'll be applying for fall with probably 26

Congrats by the way!!

The lady told me once that the last alternate made it in. That many alternates or candidates dropped.

I filed the application in thinking I'd just get the letter in the mail. No phone call, nothing special. I'm glad I filed it this year. I guess I'll see where it leads me. If nothing, then I'll definitely be in next fall.

The lady told me once that the last alternate made it in. That many alternates or candidates dropped.

Yes I was surprised to read on here how many people drop and someone else said the number of applicants seems to decrease every year. Extra hopeful!

The orientations are the 14th of this month and the 15 and 16 of January, Is that right?

Is anyone applying for Spring 2015 Nursing Program 2015? I applied for Fall 2014 with 37 points and will be applying for Spring 2015 with 38 points. Does anyone have pointers for the application process? Has anyone gone to the limited entry workshop? I have been discouraged, and need some uplifting information.

Did you get in?

Sign papers this Wednesday.


Nov 14

Jan 15-16

Unknown times as of now.

I did for full time regular Track with 35 pts

Yes I was surprised to read on here how many people drop and someone else said the number of applicants seems to decrease every year. Extra hopeful!

The number of applicants is definitely going down. When I first became interested in CSN about 4 years ago they had over 300 people applying each semester with up to 160 accepted. I'm glad it's becoming smaller. There are way too many new grads.

Is anyone going to take the toolbox class.. nurs 285?

Yes, I enrolled in the class yesterday. .. will only have a weekend off for break before the rn program starts but with everyone highly recommending the class I figured its better to take it than regretting it later

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