CRNE June 2009

World Canada CRNE


Hi there! I'm writing the CRNE tomorrow and wanted to start this thread to get some chatter going to support each other. Anyone else writing tomorrow?

I'm nervous....somewhat! It's kind of a strange feeling actually. If I really let myself think about it, it frightens me to death, but then other times I'm completely calm. KWIM?? Anyone else going through these mix of emotions?

Anyway, I have to go get ready since I have to drive an hour and half out of town to write, and we're actually spending the night tonight.

Good luck to you all!

Congratultions shadow EI:yeah:.U r fully releived now.IS anyone in Ontario get their results?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
any one call the CNO :redbeathe

I am from Ontario...still checking my mail box...nothing yet...did anyone call CNO today? I saw someone was suppose to :s

PLEASE!! Do NOT call the CNO. If every person who wrote in Ontario calls to ask when they'll get their results, the switchboard would overheat. Calling them isn't going to make the mail move any faster. Go for a walk. Watch a movie. Eat some ice cream. Read a book. Do something besides dwell on whether you passed or not. All your'e doing is creating mroe stress for yourselves. Thousands of people wrote the exam on June 3, thousands of results have to be distributed and it's not even 6 weeks since the examination date.

Congratulation! how does the envelop looks like? is it just one page letter?

When I got my results it was in a big brown envolope and it was thicker than I was like a 8x10. I first thought I had failed and they were sending me info on what to work on. In the envolope was a letter stating that I passed and formes to fill out for the SRNA along with other information.

Im still waiting for my results!

Specializes in Neonatal.

I passed!! :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah: What a TOTAL relief!!

Just about all of my classmates got their results today. Seems like a lot of us passed! According to our Facebook Statuses anyway. LOL

Hope the rest of you don't wait too much longer!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
When I got my results it was in a big brown envolope and it was thicker than I was like a 8x10. I first thought I had failed and they were sending me info on what to work on. In the envolope was a letter stating that I passed and formes to fill out for the SRNA along with other information.

Remember that the results are sent out by the College of Nursing in the province that authorized your CRNE and each province my have a different method. They may send you all the needed documentation to apply for your license in the same envelope, or they may send it out separately. If I can stretch my memory back far enough to when I wrote, ooh, there it goes... I got my licensing paperwork, Code of Ethics for Canadian Nurses, Nurse Info-Law stuff and some other bits under separate cover and my results came in a regular business sized envelope.

for nbmomto2 ,congratulation :yeah: can i know in which province are you? and are ien or canadian educated? i'm in ontarion still waiting and killed from waiting .

Specializes in Paediatrics, Medicine, Emergency.
I passed!! :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah: What a TOTAL relief!!

Just about all of my classmates got their results today. Seems like a lot of us passed! According to our Facebook Statuses anyway. LOL

Hope the rest of you don't wait too much longer!

which provice r u from?

Specializes in Paediatrics, Medicine, Emergency.

oh tell me Ei Shadow which provice r u from? cuz i guess different provinces has different way of sending...

I'm in Saskatchewan

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

NBmomto2 is in New Brunswick. That information is available on her profile.

Hi NBmomto2,

Congratulations! Answered prayer. Everyday I check the mailbox. Nothing yet for Ontarians. Meantime, I spent the entire time afterwork tending my garden just to pass the time.

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