CRNE June 2009

World Canada CRNE


Hi there! I'm writing the CRNE tomorrow and wanted to start this thread to get some chatter going to support each other. Anyone else writing tomorrow?

I'm nervous....somewhat! It's kind of a strange feeling actually. If I really let myself think about it, it frightens me to death, but then other times I'm completely calm. KWIM?? Anyone else going through these mix of emotions?

Anyway, I have to go get ready since I have to drive an hour and half out of town to write, and we're actually spending the night tonight.

Good luck to you all!

Specializes in Emergency.

I called the CNO yesterday and they have not seen results yet so don't expect mail any time soon. I'll be calling on friday again :) I'm not stressed about my results, just want to get them!

Hi for those NURSES from BC, I called the CRNBC today and they told me that our results will be mailed on the 17th of JULY :redbeathe. I dont know if wen can get it by friday. Please keep on praying ofr us!:redbeathe

Specializes in Med-surg.

Hey Guys,

I'm in Ontario, just got my results today and I passed!!! :D it came in a regular sized envelope btw. Congrats to everyone else who passed, and good luck to those who still await results!

- Mella

Specializes in Paediatrics, Medicine, Emergency.


P.S. I am from Ontario :)

I called the CRNBC, and they told me the CRNE results have been mailed yesterday!

which city are you in? I am in ontario too, but I am still waiting.

Posted by: anesia03

Original Content:


P.S. I am from Ontario :)

Specializes in Paediatrics, Medicine, Emergency.
which city are you in? I am in ontario too, but I am still waiting.

Posted by: anesia03

Original Content:

I am from Scarborough...few of my friends from scarb havent heard anything yet...i guess they are going with alphabetical last name is with "A"...i am just worries...u will get it :) good luck!

Got the result and passed! I am in Toronto by the way. The letter size is normal including application form for license so a little bit thick. Well, time for preparation of NCLEX, MCAT or NP now...

I got the result and I passed!!!!! It is my third attempt, BTW.

I'm from BC.

Congrats to all those nurses who have passed their exam!! I am from Northern Ontario and still awaiting my results!! :) Good luck to all my fellow grad nurses :) xoxo

I went home during my break today to check my results. I passed =). I am from the greater Toronto area. If anyone is wondering, my results came in a regular envelope and it looked like the letter we received regarding our exam locations. Congrats to all of those who passed and all the best to everyone!

i am in the GTA but i didn't get my results today. i am worried =(

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