CRNE exam OCTOBER 8, 2008

World Canada CRNE


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Specializes in meg/surg, pediatric, wound care.
The passing mark was 151. But then, they remove some "experimental questions", so I don't know what was the total number of questions...

I think the mark is out of 240-260 questions, as indicated in the CNA prep guide... but the passing mark is different for every exam

Specializes in med/surg.
im with you guys.

except that i found BOOK 1 to be sooo BRUTAL! i cant believe i spent almost 5 minutes in just 1 question for me understand it very well and process it my "already whacked brain". lol. seriously, it was really tough answering all those "what is the nurse's best response" questions... :bluecry1: oh well...

best of luck to all of us!

Yes - the 1st book for me was brutal too -I sooooooo hear you!!!

Fingers crossed for all of us too!:nurse:

^Yes me too, i found book 1 harder than book 2.

hey guys,

i'm really having a hard time putting this behind me. i keep thinking about all the questions and i feel like i should have changed the answers. i'm going crazyyyyyyyyy...any advice how i can put this behind me? i'm trying my very best to think positively but nothing is working. naturally i worry a lot about everything...and this is just putting me over the top!! please help! lol

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Watch a comedy on TV! You need to find something else to think about that can distract you from your obsessive thoughts. The nexxt 6 weeks are going to drag if you don't. Oh, and the first rule of multiple choice exams is that you always go with your first choice and never change answers because the odds of changing a right one for a wrong one are at least 3:1. Forget about it for now, and watch something funny and fluffy!

hi guys.. i need your help about the things i need to process so that i can take my crne.. i am here in the philippines and processing my papers..hoping that i can catch up and submit my requirements on november for the february exam.. what do you mean by "current board of registration and original board of registration".. another thing is that i cant send my registration form because im flyin back to canada on december and my license is not yet released.. is it okay to just leave it blank? thanks..

god bless..

I found the exam so tough especially book #2

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
I found the exam so tough especially book #2

Merged with this Oct CRNE thread

I do agree with you all the exam was very tough especially the evening section. some of the questions were very confusing and i took more than 3 minutes for some questions. i worked hard for three months and now i feel so anxious.pray for me.

Don't worry. The pass rate is ok. I took CRNE 2 years ago! My suggestion is you can prepare NCLEX during this period. Good luck!

I do agree with you all the exam was very tough especially the evening section. some of the questions were very confusing and i took more than 3 minutes for some questions. i worked hard for three months and now i feel so anxious.pray for me.
Specializes in med/surg.

Why would you want to prepare for N-CLEX???? This exam is for working as an RN in Canada & has nothing to do with the USA exams.

Don't worry. The pass rate is ok. I took CRNE 2 years ago! My suggestion is you can prepare NCLEX during this period. Good luck!

I think this is good advice for those who may want to work in the US in the future because the information used to prepare for CRNE is still fresh in our minds and it will be relatively easy to add stuff about the NCLEX to this fresh info.

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