Published Jun 4, 2012
Pneumothorax, BSN, RN
1,180 Posts
Hi, sorry for starting all the threads lately. Im in that awesome transition phase from Student Nurse ----> Graduate Nurse... soon to be Registered Nurse, so ive been interviewing like crazy now that I have time.
Anyhow..i had 3 interviews this last week heres a rundown of them
1st Interview is with HR/Nurse Recruiter: She asked the general questions-- tell me about yourself, what brought u to this area, etc. the position i applied for is in CCL... and she said to me, something about what she looks for are people who are passionate about the position not just looking for a job, & I told her that I truly enjoy the cardiovascular/cardiac specialty.
she seemed pleased with this comment and we had some idle chit chat.. she was really nice too.
I was early so I had a bit of time to kill, so i wrote down a few more questions I would like to ask of the nurse manager. then went upstairs to meet with the nurse manager of CCL-
So, she began by telling me about the position, what types of procedures are done blah blah blah. general stuff. Then I noticed she had a little questionaire sheet..and she glanced at it a couple times but it was more like we were having a conversion rather than me being grilled like a steak. after that she asked if i had any questions and i got my sheet out and she answerd them in great detail. I was a bit unsure of how it was going until she said "oh id like for u to meet with the manager of this other floor bc you would be cross trained in both areas"..i was like ok cool, she also said shed like to set up a job shadowing opportunity for me. it was hard to tour bc its a surgical area obviously. didnt want to contaminate.
nOw this is the first ive heard of doing job shadowing for a job interview. So i spent about 2 hours with her!!
so on friday, i had the interview with the nurse manager of the other floor. & i felt like this interview went really well too. she gave me a tour of the unit, introduced me to EVERYONE under the sun on the floor, showed me where everything was and explained some of the things she has implemented on the floor (little education points for the RN's etc)
So we then went into her office, and started the interview and i saw that same little piece of paper with all the questions on it. She took notes this time but didnt ask all of them. I spent another 2hours in there with her and we laughed a bit , and both discoverd we both have the same favorite color (purple!).. she also invited me to job shadow after i finish in CCL the same day (which would be tomorrow 6/4)
So while she walked me out to the lobby, i asked her when she (and the other manager) expect to make their decision, and she said that after i job shadow that they will talk. so i should hear by tomorrow.
Im not gonna hold my breath but remain optimistic.. i mean...they wouldnt have me jump through all these hoops just to waste my time & theirs no?
sigh. im ready to be a nurse. =/
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
It sounds like some of your interviews went really well. But as far as whether you or I or anyone can tell from these interviews if you have a job, who knows?
In my own experience, I've had fantastic interviews--including ones with hoop jumping and shadow invites--that resulted in absolutely nothing, and I've had interviews that I thought I didn't do so well but which resulted in a job offer. I've also had fantastic interviews that resulted in job offers, and not-so-fantastic interviews that didn't.
Hopefully you will land one of these jobs...but even while you're waiting to hear back, keep the job hunt going until get a official job offer.
Best of luck!
Kooky Korky, BSN, RN
5,216 Posts
Best wishes, do let us know. It sounds hopeful. I would think, too, that they would not have spent all that time with you if they weren't pretty sure about you.
Ok so I did my job shadowing today & LOVED the units I was on (CCL/ Cardiac intermediate) Caught up with the the nurse manager and let her know about my day and how wonderful all the nurses were.
So she tells me that shes gonna be upfront with me and said that there is an internal nurse that wants the position also, however---since they loved me so much they would place me on cardiac intermediate 7p-7a. I said that sounds wonderful!!! (gotta stay flexible!!)
She also told me that I really stood out amongst the new grads and it's rare that they see that.
[ did I mention when she called me the first time my phone dropped the call and I texted her...ya I did.. & I thought that's what made me stand out lol]
I was BLOWN away! She said she loved my personality, demeanor, work ethic and motivation!
I had so many interviews before this and was unsuccessful and thought that it was me but I guess it wasn't---it just wasn't the right place for me to be at that time.
So before I left her office she said that HR WILL be calling me and to wait by my phone expecting a call.!!!!!!
I know it's not official til I sign my life away but this looks promising.
I feel so blessed and I prayed soooooo hard last night before bed, just ask for guidance to lead me to the right place to begin my career wherever it may be and to help me be my best during my shadowing today.* I guess it helped =]
*disclaimer: I'm not a very religious person but sometimes you gotta pray for strength & guidance
This is killing me waiting for thus phone call!
938 Posts
THAT sounds wonderful!! Congratulations!
77 Posts
That is wonderful news!!! I had a similar experience today during my interview for a dream job!! It was over 1 hour with both the HR and the Unit Manager and it was superb (after direct general questions I was able to chit chat and joke with both of them)!! I was able to get a tour and was introduced to other employees. They said calls will go out early next week about a decision, so I totally understand how you're feeling!! The suspense is SO hard!!! I wish you the best of luck and I am sure you got this!!
Oh that's great!!!!
Yeah I'm still waiting for the phone call lol
i got the
WOOOHOOOO!!!! Congrats!!!! Enjoy the beginning of a great career!! You'll do GREAT!
82 Posts
CONGRATS!!! That is awesome. I'm so happy for you!!
177 Posts
i got the jobbbbbbb!!!!!!!! :hrnsmlys::w00t::cheers: