Creating a Saunders Study Guide- Stay Tuned

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hey all!!!

I take my Nclex-rn in a little less than a month. I began studying using saunders. I began to become bored after an hour or so of reading. It was taking me like 3 hours to do 50 pages everyday and that left me with less time to practice doing questions. I realized I don't have the time to continue to do that (with a job and well a LIFE lol), so I went back to chapter one and began to type up all the red points in the book as well as any other little things I saw in tables/ pictures in the chapters. I will be finished with it in about 2 or 3 weeks, so I will post it here for those looking for a study guide of saunders, who also don't have to time to do a complete reading of that book, but want some key points to remember. Its not going to have everything on it (i don't have time to type up everything that may be important) but i think it may help other preparing for their NCLEX-RN. Stay tuned!!


-The edition I am Using is the 6th.

-I did make note in the study guide of a few of the tables to go back to look at with page numbers so if you have the book you can go back and look at them.

-Also I am using Kaplan Q-Bank for a month, ATI and La Charity as my other study tools.

Thank you! Much appreciated

You rock. Thank you

Hey ALL!! I can't edit my original post for some reason, however I have some good and bad news. The bad news is due to my work schedule, I will not be able to complete the entire Saunders book in my study guide as I had originally planned to :(. I know I originally posted that I would but I just no longer have the time to do so. HOWEVER, the good news is I attached my study guide so far, which includes chapters 1-25, which is the Fundamentals segment of the book (pages 1 through 296). Hopefully it will be of some help to anyone that chooses to read and study from it. Let me know what you guys think and sorry about not being able to finish!!


Thanks! your awesome! just wondering if anyone here need a study partner??


Really appreciate that you have shared your study guide with us. You dont need to feel sorry. Thank you so much and god bless

That will be awesome plz let me know when you created!! Thank you many times!!! :)

That will be awesome plz let me know when you created!! Thank you many times!!! :)

I posted it already, look in the comments!

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