Published Nov 17, 2017
23 Posts last year I worked at an assisted living center. I'm young, I was 21 at the time and made a very very very poor choice of being intimate with a fellow co worker while at work. Long story short, we got caught and were fired. I'm worried that when I start to apply for a nursing position and they call former employee's, they will find out from my ex employer that whole story. I've read that former employers can say anything about you, but usually choose what they say wisely due to defamation. Should I be worried that I'll never get hired??? I am guilty of overthinking things and this is a worry I can't seem to shake. I don't want a potential employer to think they will have to worry about my shacking up with a co worker in an on call room. I don't think my former boss would say the reason I was fired, but you can never be to sure. I really hope this did not ruine my chances of finding a nursing position! Does anyone have any words that could put my mind at ease? It would be much appreciated!
4 Articles; 2,537 Posts
Any employer I've worked for will only confirm that you worked there. They don't have the time to talk about the details of everyone that worked there with all the job inquiry calls they get. Unless you did something that was classified as criminal I don't think they'll do anything other than confirm that at one point you were employed there. Good luck.
Emergent, RN
4,292 Posts
At least you weren't intimate with a resident!
I think it depends on the people involved. If you have to explain it, I think the no excuses version you gave here was excellent.
If HR is understanding, they'll give you a chance. You were young, horny, and stupid. It was consensual I assume.
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
What reason are you going to give for being fired to potential employers?
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
Just so you know, it's not defamation if it's true.
Likely, if potential future employers call HR at your last employer, they will be told that you were terminated and are not eligible for re-hire. I don't think HR will specifically divulge that you were caught having sex at work but they can tell that. Many people falsely believe that past employers cannot share this information. They can share anything they care to, as long as it's true. You admit that this happened.
Where you could run into trouble, in my opinion, is if a prospective employer wants an explanation for why you are ineligible for re-hire.
NurseSpeedy, ADN, LPN, RN
1,599 Posts
I would only worry if it was a small company. Large companies are not going to discuss anything except position, dates of employment, and whether or not rehireable.
Now, one that is privately owned, employees are family/friends for a 20 bed facility with only five workers....the owner may be more talkative.
I denied it in the statement I had to write for HR. I never admitted it happened. It was a co worker who caught us.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
If you denied it and it was true, then shame on you. And that doesn't bode well for your future.
I disagree that a past employer will not mention this issue (sex on the job, lying about it) for fear of a defamation charge. As has been mentioned, it's not defamation if it's true.
If you are in a market where new grad nurses are a dime a dozen or even in adequate supply, your application will be the first to be tossed out. Under that circumstance, employers look for any reason to thin the herd (weed out the apps).
I would be honest. Say I had a relationship with a coworker.
Yes, you already said that. But you lied.
I know I must put them as a reference and they may or may not tell, but surely there will be a hospital that hires me. I appreciate your honesty but considering there are nurses who have misdemeanors...compared to someone walking in on me and a co worker not engaging in sex, but half way back to dressed, I'm not going to worry and assume I will never have a nurse position.