Could I be pregnant?


Here it goes............

I've been trying to concieve for 2 years now. In Feb. I started seeing a fertility specialist, did numerous tests on me & my husband and couldn't find anything wrong.

I started on Clomid this month, (first time I ever took it), well, I had alot of side effects, moodiness, hot flashes, extremely tender breasts.....

Today is the 28th day of my cycle & my period is actually due today, I went to the br & there is some very light pink & brown d/c, no cramps, could I be preg. after only one round of Clomid or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. :crying2:

Here it goes............

I've been trying to concieve for 2 years now. In Feb. I started seeing a fertility specialist, did numerous tests on me & my husband and couldn't find anything wrong.

I started on Clomid this month, (first time I ever took it), well, I had alot of side effects, moodiness, hot flashes, extremely tender breasts.....

Today is the 28th day of my cycle & my period is actually due today, I went to the br & there is some very light pink & brown d/c, no cramps, could I be preg. after only one round of Clomid or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. :crying2:

Well....did you take a pregnancy test? Anything is possible...good luck to you :)


What did it for us was getting an appointment with the adoption agency.....Good luck, keep us posted.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

My advice is to wait as long as you can stand it (probably only a day or two) and then take a home test. Having been in your shoes, I sincerely hope that your dream is about to come true! Take good care of yourself!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Here is my 2 cents as an infertility patient and nurse: if you are on fertility regimen, then perhaps you can "fast-track" at the doctor's offices for a blood hcg test! I think you should try will know very soon that way and definitively. Best of luck; I know how painful infertility is and how high your hopes are. My fingers are crossed for you. It sound like it COULD be it! Please let us know, ok????

Why are you asking us????! Go pee on the stick!!! :)

Specializes in NICU.

You could be! Even if you take a home test and it's negative, you still could be pregnant. It may just be a little early. And don't worry about a little spotting, that can happen early in pregnancy. Treat yourself as though you are and take your prenatal vitamins and stay away from alcohol, etc.

Thanks for all of your replies, my period full force this morning. Once again, I was letting my mind play tricks on me. I start Clomid on Sunday, 100mg, maybe it'll happen next month? :o

Infertility really sucks!!! I see soooo many preg. women, young, no jobs, smoking, drinking, drugs, it's just not fair.

Specializes in ER.

Good luck. Hope you get success rapidly!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

No, it's not fair. I am so sorry. I wish I had words to comfort you. I hope you succeed next cycle. Best wishes. I know how hard it is.

I can also empathize. Good luck!

Thanks Deb, it's nice to know that there are others out there that understand, after 2 years of trying & going thru every diagnostic test possible, I get sooo sick of hearing, "just quit focusing on it & it'll happen" :angryfire

Some people just don't understand.

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