Published Feb 4, 2016
iggywench, BSN, RN
303 Posts
I have been a school nurse for 3 years to 5th and 6th graders. Before I went to nursing school, I taught 5th grade for 7 years. I really want to move up to high school nursing, because 10 years in intermediate school is too long, and the junior high nurses have to deal with all of the athletic injuries (no trainers on campus). Since high school jobs are hard to get in my area, I am applying to an alternative certification program to teach the Health Science Technology class to high-schoolers. It seems like a great class, and would be a great opportunity to put my teaching and nursing backgrounds to use. Anyone ever look into this, or taught that class? I'm excited about the possibility, provided there are job openings. The program involves some self-paced online coursework, and then a couple of reflection assignments once you actually get a job. I'd love some feedback if anyone has ever looked into this, or am I the only one who was crazy enough to teach, then go to nursing school?
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
That sounds like a good plan...if you're into that kind of stuff. Teaching wouldn't be my thing. But...I can imagine what Health Science is and I can Imagine what Technology is but what is Health Science Technology?
129 Posts
I applied and interviewed for a HST position before getting my elementary school nurse position. I declined because I did not want to pay 4K for the certification.
But the job itself is amazing!
The program that I found is under $2000. You pay $295 up front, then once you secure a job in HST, the remainder is deducted over the period of a year. If I never end up doing it, I won't have to pay the rest of the program fee. I know it's a little risky, but I really want to give it a shot.
def try it out! I interviewed in Alvin ISD. I see you are in the Houston area. Good luck
316 Posts
I would love to hear about this if I get the position I'm applying for. Feel free to PM if you get a brief moment. Thank you in advance!!
I'm applying for the same type of position. Been a school nurse for 5 years, but would love to teach.
5 Posts
I have been a school nurse for 5 years, I have been thinking about doing this too, can you please let me know what I need to do to get started? Thanks so much!
Can you please tell me a little about this program? Been thinking about getting a certification for awhile now. Ive been a school nurse for 5 years now. Thanks so much! Any help is much appreciated.
R.N. School Nurse/Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT)
I am really interested in getting my certification in Health Science Technology so I can teach. Can anyone give me any advise or suggestions on online programs? What I need to do to get started? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks so much.
Check out Texas Teachers | Alternative Teacher Certification in Texas and Online. That is the program that I am doing. I didn't end up getting the teaching job that I applied for in May, so I really didn't work on any of the classes over the summer. I did have quite a few school districts calling me at the end of the summer to see if I was interested in interviewing for a position with them, though (I wasn't willing to drive farther than I already am for work). I know it's a growing field, and school districts are budgeting more money toward CTE courses. It's something I do plan to pursue if I can't find a high school nurse position.
peaceful2100, BSN, RN
914 Posts
You actually want to do high school nursing? Interesting.. I'm trying to get out of it. I want to do elementary school. This is my 3rd year in high school and I applied for elementary but got stuck with high school. They keep thinking I can handle it. LOL, my patience wearing very incredibly thin. If I can't get into elementary for next school year I think I'm getting out of school nursing.
I subbed in elementary so I know that has it's set of issues on it's own but I much rather deal with the little one's.
However, if I was to stay in a high school I would LOVE to teach health class instead of being the nurse!!!
8 Posts
I have a second interview this week for health science instructor for a high school CTE program! I'm a bit nervous. Schools are scary these days. I'm also nervous about being a nurse in a school full of educators I'm currently a full time case manager and get paid really well. I know the pay going into teaching is going to be low along with a lot of work.But the time I'll have with my own kids., getting home earlier, holidays and summers might be worth it. Who here actually is teaching HS health science? How is it?! Is it worth taking a leap of faith and doing it?!