Confusing Pay Rates


Specializes in Pelvic Neuroscience and School Nursing.

I am a substitute school nurse. I love the job. I love the students. All around, it's just great! But I have come across an issue that is baffling me, and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue. So when I came onboard I received a letter stating that I would get paid $28.71/hr because I have my BSN. But as I've been getting my paychecks, the amount paid out is significantly lower than I estimated. So I checked the public school web address and found a Misc. Salary pay for a bunch of groups, and sub nurses were there. It says 190.32/day which adds up to the gross amount being paid. I have emailed my supervisor to clarify what is going on. Again, has anyone else had this happen? What was the resolution? Any advice on what to do or what can be done?

How many hours a day are you working?

Our subs get 90/day to cover the office and 120/day for field trips :(

Specializes in School.

We have both LVNs and RNs working in our district. The pay is different depending on which one they sub for. My boss has tried to get it changed, but because we (LVNs) are considered paraprofessionals and on an hourly basis the powers that be said it can't be done.

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.

If you're more than 6.5ish hours a day, I'd take your letter to HR/payroll and ask to have your pay adjusted & be paid for all your back time.

Specializes in Pelvic Neuroscience and School Nursing.

7.5 - 8 hours. I'm actually covering full-time for 12 weeks.

Ask them to check it out. When my sub covered my maternity leave; they kept paying at the sub rate instead of the full time rate. Once she talked to them, they fixed it!

Specializes in Pelvic Neuroscience and School Nursing.

Well, I called the office of payroll. The 190.32 is apparently the equivalent of 29.20/hr for a 6.5 hour day. I don't get paid for lunch, which apparently they allocate an hour. When I came to this school, I was informed I was only allowed 30 minutes for I haven't even taken that long because I don't eat big lunches. Can I protest not being paid for an hour if I'm still working that hour?

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.
Well, I called the office of payroll. The 190.32 is apparently the equivalent of 29.20/hr for a 6.5 hour day. I don't get paid for lunch, which apparently they allocate an hour. When I came to this school, I was informed I was only allowed 30 minutes for I haven't even taken that long because I don't eat big lunches. Can I protest not being paid for an hour if I'm still working that hour?

Is your 7.5-8 hours what you were told you'd be working? Or is it that you're only supposed to actually be working 6.5 and it ends up being longer because you're tying up loose ends?

Specializes in Pelvic Neuroscience and School Nursing.

I was informed by the nurse I'm subbing for that it is a 7.5 hour day, some days a little longer (8 hrs to tie up loose ends). My scheduled hours are 7:15-2:15. But again, I was informed by the nurse that i had a 30 minute break. The letter I received said that I would get 28.71/hr, nothing about salaried pay.

I was informed by the nurse I'm subbing for that it is a 7.5 hour day, some days a little longer (8 hrs to tie up loose ends). My scheduled hours are 7:15-2:15. But again, I was informed by the nurse that i had a 30 minute break. The letter I received said that I would get 28.71/hr, nothing about salaried pay.

Then take that letter to payroll

In the town where I live (not where I am a school nurse) the regular nurses get $26/hr and the subs get $30 :no:

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