Published Aug 26, 2014
73 Posts
I've read about compensation in Texas being pretty low but I really want to go to Austin after my current assignment is complete. I'm making about $1225/week on my current assignment after making significantly more on my last one. I don't want to sign another contract for the amount I'm making now. Would anyone who has traveled to Austin or anywhere in Texas be willing to share their compensation? Thanks.
6 Posts
I'm traveling to Houston soon, supposed to be 1800/week
1 Article; 5,784 Posts
More importantly than compensation in Texas is the working conditions, and the crappy attitude of management, doctors, the BON, and a notorious blacklist. Why not take a week off to enjoy Austin and work somewhere where working conditions are decent?
Hi Ned. Could you please elaborate on your sentiment?
21 Posts
Is that negativity just in certain parts of TX or is it found alll over? Are there areas to avoid? Please tell me there's at least a few good points about TX as it is close to home for me and I had hoped to be able to take a few jobs there.
47 Posts
I began my nursing career in Texas. Believe me all over the state most places do not treat nurses well. Physicians are always out to tell or belittle nurses. You have to grow thick skin in some of the hospitals. Not every hospital is the same. Most teaching hospitals are better than others. Just remember you may have to show some attitude in able to be a patient advocate and may encounter several hurdles.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Please look up the Kermit Texas nurses whistleblower case. And also, realize that the MDs in Texas managed to get legislation passed to bar anonymous complaints about them from being investigated. The "good ole boy" network is alive and well.
Also, look up threads on GroupOne, the notorious blacklist.
I thought I covered the issues pretty well, but I see other posters have added detail. If you want to read more about any of those issues, you can do a search on this site and find hours of happy reading: upper right.
I might also add dumb ass governor who has caused untold harm to Texas over his long reign and regressive politics in general make it an unpleasant place for progressives (outside of Austin).
trackhead, APRN
139 Posts
Believe me all over the state most places do not treat nurses well. Physicians are always out to tell or belittle nurses. You have to grow thick skin in some of the hospitals.
Not sure of your gender, but I find, as a male ER nurse, I seem to get treated better than some of my female coworkers do, at least from the notorious male ER doctors who are considered arrogant, etc.
If I'm doing my job right, and not screwing up, I don't take any $% from docs, period. I treat them with the respect they give me. If they don't respect me, I tell them off immediately, and it typically silences any bull$%^# from occurring in the future.
I'm male and had it better Than most. However, no nurse should have to do a to do any of that to get through a shift.
I agree, but unfortunately the world doesn't work that day.
1 Article; 560 Posts
I got my BSN in Alabama and also worked for 5 years at a Regional Hospital there. I'm well aware of the "good ol boys" club and how some of the Docs operate within them. As some have mentioned being a male and carrying yourself with confidence keeps that at bay most of the time. I've also found that specialties like the ICU (ED, OR) seem to get better respect from the physicians. Now before I get jumped by every female non specialized nurse in America I clarify that I don't think it's fair and it is unjust. My girlfriend is a Med Surg nurse and I get mad every time she tells me about a Doc that throws a hissy fit, throws charts, threatens jobs, etc every time something doesn't go as planned for him/her.
We worked at the same hospital for many years and the nice camaraderie I would have with an MD in the ICU would be very different from the behavior she described them to have with the Med Surg floors. I've heard of and personally witnessed this behavior time and time again. It sounds like Texas has a very similar work environment and probably low pay scale as Alabama.
Also if it's any consolation to any non specialized med surg nurses out there who feel like they have a crap deal, If I have to answer, "So are in you training to be a Doctor?" one more time!