Colorado - Illegal Immigrants no longer eligble for state health care

Nurses Activism


Effective Aug. 1, state services, including the state health plans and welfare, will no longer be given to illegal immigrants in Colorado. This law, enacted by Gov. Bill Owens, in considered the 'toughest in the nation' and other states are expected to follow suit.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
What i do get is that i dont use terms that the present administration likes to popularize. (criminal activity , terrorist)

Criminal activity ? Thats to funny . But if we were to really use that concept then basically all Americans are criminals, because basically the settlers came here illegaly , stole the land illegaly , killed the natives illegaly, stole slaves illegaly, So basically , we all just need to pack our bags and go because where all criminals.

You are not a criminal based upon your ancestors actions. You know that, too. My ancestors came thru Ellis Island. But even if they didn't - it wouldn't matter. What matters is the time we are in now. Our laws matter. You are arguing (by default) for a free and open border. Again, naive.

Specializes in Cardiac.
What i do get is that i dont use terms that the present administration likes to popularize. (criminal activity , terrorist)

Criminal activity ? Thats to funny . But if we were to really use that concept then basically all Americans are criminals.

Well, that's because the term, 'criminal activity', is right. It's not a concept, it's a law that is being broken repeatedly.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
The term "Anchor Baby" is both offensive and racist and is on a par with the phrase "welfare queen." Both are used as a way to demean and attack the least powerful members of society. The children who are born here are citizens. All children born to a society are worthy of protection and inherent value by society regardless of their parents race, gender, national origin, religion etc. These children are the seedcorn for our future.

If we as a collective society want people to respect and honor society at large that we need to treat them as people and not stereotypes.

It sounds to me like you are the one racially stereotyping.

There is nothing racist about either "anchor baby" or "welfare queen". Race/national origin is not even mentioned nor implied by either phrase.

Unless YOU are the one making baseless "racist" assumptions.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
When i say put yourself in others situation and there would be less problems, i mean stop being self centered and think about others. Thats the reason why this country has so many problems already because of people who are in high places who dont care about anybody else, except themselves and their own.

I would obey the law and immigrate LEGALLY, if I so desired. Barring that, I would work to improve my country instead of fleeing elsewhere.

As far as trying to survive, Mexico is not Iraq or Afghanistan. It is not Africa, where mass graves/shootings are regular occurance. If the illegal Mexican immigrants are being abused in connection with the government, they can seek legal avenues of coming to the USA.

This country has "so many problems" because of selfishness? Then, why are people flocking here in droves. Obviously, the many immigrants, legal/or illegal, don't have the same concerns about how "self-centered" that we Americans are, and are not really worried about "so many problems".

Specializes in Long Term Care.

The true measure of a Nation's Greatness is the number of people who try to immigrate to it.

The United States is a Great Nation. For all that it is villified as being medllesome and antagonistic to some regimes, more often than not, the US is in the "right" when they intervene in foreign affairs. I have right in quotations b/c the US views what it is doing as morally and Ethically right from their point of view.

Consider where the world would be had the US not joined in WWI or WWII.

The immigrants who are here illegally should return to their own countries and seek legal entry into the US.

The reason I believe this is that if you begin by breaking one law, how far will you go? What is to stop you from committing worse crimes?

I believe that children born here in this country to illegal immigrants should not be considered Citizens until their parents are legally citizens. In other words, NO anchor babies. That also means NO form of welfare or other assistance. Not for any reason. Medical services to illegal immigrants should be emergent and only if death is imminent, unless paid for up front and in cash. If the illegal immigrant is coming here to birth a baby, we should not be doing anything more than the minimum. And there should be NO suing Docs by illegal immigrants either, even when the Doc is blatantly wrong.

I see what is happening in the border states and can only envision things worsening because our politicians are counting future votes from the illegals they seek to woo by leaving our borders unprotected.

i really get incensed at the stupid argument that assumes all of our ancestors got here 'illegally' too, so we should let the whole world do the same. my ancestors got here thru ellis island, after years of saving money and after filling out paperwork, and by having a sponsor (read that: job!) secured and waiting for them. they didn't get here illegally and therefore, by extrapolation, neither did i. i still marvel that this lame argument even gets repeated! its kind of like the argument that i should pay a person today for their great grandparent being a slave before i was born. as some point, its a new day and a new reality. and the reality is that america will be crushed under the enormous strain of the great poverty underclass we are importing, either by our willingness to do nothing or by our active actions, and then exploiting, by the millions.

i repeat, repeat, repeat...when 200 people try to get into a lifeboat built for 10, everyone drowns. wishful thinking and good intentions do not change the size of the lifeboat.

I would obey the law and immigrate LEGALLY, if I so desired. Barring that, I would work to improve my country instead of fleeing elsewhere.


What have you personally done to improve your country? I don't mean in the sense of how you have changed your own circumstances, but the whole country. I find that statement a little strange as, if one is an impoverished individual in a poor country there is often very little that person can do to change anything. Possibly all they can do is change their own personal circumstances.

Life is a birth lottery, don't you know.

What have you personally done to improve your country? I don't mean in the sense of how you have changed your own circumstances, but the whole country. I find that statement a little strange as, if one is an impoverished individual in a poor country there is often very little that person can do to change anything. Possibly all they can do is change their own personal circumstances.

Life is a birth lottery, don't you know.

True, it's difficult for an individual to make changes. But if all the illegal immigrants that marched in the US actually got together with the thousands of others trying to get in here in their OWN country then they could make some positive changes.

What have you personally done to improve your country? I don't mean in the sense of how you have changed your own circumstances, but the whole country. I find that statement a little strange as, if one is an impoverished individual in a poor country there is often very little that person can do to change anything. Possibly all they can do is change their own personal circumstances.

Life is a birth lottery, don't you know.

Therein lies the is truly unfair and more than cruel to many, but our country can't possibly take in a free flowing poverty underclass coming over the boarder by the millions. It will kill life in the United States as we know it. And it won't take very much longer to do that. How to remain compassionate- because I DO believe what you have posted just above- without sacrificing our country...this is what haunts me personally. My answer to this is to provide the kindest of loving care to those that I encounter, while I support activism to close the borders and to change our constitutional interpretation so we stop 'anchor babies'. Its the best middle ground position I can come up with. Not the perfect answer, but the best I think we can do.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
Therein lies the is truly unfair and more than cruel to many, but our country can't possibly take in a free flowing poverty underclass coming over the boarder by the millions. It will kill life in the United States as we know it. And it won't take very much longer to do that. How to remain compassionate- because I DO believe what you have posted just above- without sacrificing our country...this is what haunts me personally. My answer to this is to provide the kindest of loving care to those that I encounter, while I support activism to close the borders and to change our constitutional interpretation so we stop 'anchor babies'. Its the best middle ground position I can come up with. Not the perfect answer, but the best I think we can do.

This is exactly how I feel. I have volunteered at a clinic that primarily serves illegal aliens. I will respond as best as I can, personally, to be kind to those who are here already and have needs. I will NOT however support taxation of the citizens of the US to provide for those who are here illegally. I WILL support any measures that close the border to illegal immigration. It is one thing to give of yourself voluntarily to those in need. It is quite another to press for and vote for policies that tell your fellow citizens, "open up your paycheck and pay for welfare and healthcare and education for illegal aliens." That is just wrong on so many levels.

We need to take better care of our own citizens first through public benefits. Illegals should not benefit from US citizens hard earned wages. Yes this is harsh, and yes life is a crap-shoot lottery and/or hell based upon where you are born. This is reality. I continue to be amazed at those who think we should fix all of South America. They can only fix themselves. Revolution from within. If that ever will take decades if not centuries.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
True, it's difficult for an individual to make changes. But if all the illegal immigrants that marched in the US actually got together with the thousands of others trying to get in here in their OWN country then they could make some positive changes.

You're right, and I think such collective organizations of workers are normally called Unions.

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