Colorado - Illegal Immigrants no longer eligble for state health care

Nurses Activism


Effective Aug. 1, state services, including the state health plans and welfare, will no longer be given to illegal immigrants in Colorado. This law, enacted by Gov. Bill Owens, in considered the 'toughest in the nation' and other states are expected to follow suit.

I don't believe we are taking advantage of them at all. They are not slave labor. They chose to come here illegally, we did not bring them here. They are unskilled and gratefully do low wage jobs because honestly, they have it better here than in Mexico or El Salvador and everyone of them will tell you that. If it were not true, why would they come here? Believe me, not ALL of them do the work that Americans would not do. I see them working in fast food restaurants, sit down restaurants, Walmart, etc. and I know for a fact that many are illegal. The only jobs they do that most Americans do not want to do is working in many textile factories and in the agricultural fields. Believe me, there are many legal non-hispanics working in factories and assembly lines in America. Who do you think did these jobs before the illegal hispanics had them?

Getting back to the original topic, I personally believe that we should not turn away healthcare from children of illegal immigrants that were born in this country. The law is the law and if someone is born on U.S. soil, they are an American citizen. Why punish a child of illegals for being born here? Now, I believe that an adult who is here illegally should be turned away unless it is life threatening and they would die if turned away, that is inhumane.

They cannot, as far as I know. People from other countries come here legally and bring their elderly parents who have never worked a day in their life here in the U.S. and do get Social Security. Grant you, it is not a lot, maybe $200 or $400 a month, but they still get it which is wrong in my opinion.

I take it back on how much they get in SS. Our legal Secty's mother came over here from Iran and she became a citizen. Even though she has never worked a day of her life in the U.S., she get $879 a month in SS. When she turned 65, she received something in the mail from Social Security Admin. to start SS. I believe it's SSI.

My mother is from Canada and has worked here for the last 43 years and she only gets $825 a month in Social Security. What's wrong with that?

Effective Aug. 1, state services, including the state health plans and welfare, will no longer be given to illegal immigrants in Colorado. This law, enacted by Gov. Bill Owens, in considered the 'toughest in the nation' and other states are expected to follow suit.

As sad as this may sound, I feel it is actually a step in the right direction. How many other countries do you think give out free healthcare to none citizens? I have a friend who vacationed in Mexico and was knocked out for a brief moment (a volleyball hit her in the head), when she went to the medical facility they refused to see her, because she did not have cash or a credit card. I feel the United States should take care of it's own, especially people who have worked their whole lives, and paid taxes, like the elderly. I feel sorry for them, the cost of prescriptions is outrageous, not to mention doctors visits. Many elderly people that should take a medication daily are taking them every other day, because of cost. Some have even stopped taking medication all together, because they can't afford it. I hope the money Colorado saves will be put to good use. I feel feel so many US citizens go without basic healthcare and we need to take care of our own first.

When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before

Mae West

i take it back on how much they get in ss. our legal secty's mother came over here from iran and she became a citizen. even though she has never worked a day of her life in the u.s., she get $879 a month in ss. when she turned 65, she received something in the mail from social security admin. to start ss. i believe it's ssi.

that sickens me:madface: no wonder there won't be any left when i retire, despite the fact i will have put in for many years

Specializes in Cardiac.
you know I think we should do a little more advocating. after all, the united states is built on immigrants. Our ancestors were all immagrants. or have we all forgotten this. if they are illegal, make them legal and then they can pay like the rest of us have to do, but arbitrally cutting off healthcare is asking for trouble down the road, look at the disease,etc they are or can be bringing to us and we may be sending back with them........

Why do WE have to 'make them legal'? I don't know if you know it, but we ALREADY have a process in place for people to come here legally. They just don't want to wait. Hell no I don't support 'making them all legal' just because they are already here.

All illegal immigrants know that they can try to come over legally, but they choose the other -illegal- route. I will not support anything that rewards them for their criminal activity.

Specializes in E.D and Tele.

Well, I think this thread has enough replys to gain some attention. Why don't we all group together and have a rally? They do it waiving there non-american flags.

Oh...,but wait, we I guess we don't have the time.


Why do WE have to 'make them legal'? I don't know if you know it, but we ALREADY have a process in place for people to come here legally. They just don't want to wait. Hell no I don't support 'making them all legal' just because they are already here.

All illegal immigrants know that they can try to come over legally, but they choose the other -illegal- route. I will not support anything that rewards them for their criminal activity.

Oh, but they say they are not criminals. Hmmmm, let's analyze that statement.....they cross over our border and come into the United States illegally (which is in violation of Federal Immigration laws of the U.S.), they knowingly purchase Social Security cards that have numbers that belong to someone else which is a Federal crime. From how I see it, you break a federal law, you are technically a criminal, correct?

Specializes in Cardiac.

Not true Bindy, at the last ralley and Boycott there were plenty of American flags. They were just upside down beneath the other flags.

That's exactly the kind of people who should citizenship fast forwarded to them, right? The kind of people that enter illegally, steal money from the government (illegally), obtain work (illegally) from others' identities, and then make threats and demands that we treat them better through public 'rallies' and boycotts.

Oh, and BTW, they demand that we don't call them illegal. It hurts their feelings.

Specializes in Cardiac.
Oh, but they say they are not criminals. Hmmmm, let's analyze that statement.....they cross over our border and come into the United States illegally (which is in violation of Federal Immigration laws of the U.S.), they knowingly purchase Social Security cards that have numbers that belong to someone else which is a Federal crime. From how I see it, you break a federal law, you are technically a criminal, correct?

Yes, if you break multiple laws then you are a criminal.

I just love paying for thier healthcare! After all I pay one thousand one hundred dollars a month for MY FAMILY's Health benefits EACH MONTH! How is that for contributing to THEIR health care! This is the reason why our country is going broke! The illegals do not carry health insurance so they get to treat for free (on my dime) at their local ER. If they cannot make it then they should turn right around and go back to THEIR country! They should also get in line just like my ancestors did long ago and enter LEGALLY!

As I ponder this situation I often wonder if I CAN GO TO ANY OTHER COUNTRY and receive FREE MEDICAL CARE and FREE MONEY just like the wonderful USA provides to immigrants with five and six "legal" children per couple. What about responsible reproduction instead of how much more a mommy can get for another child off the welfare system. (Seen it in three generations of one family!)

No...I am not lucky for having health care...I am paying for it by WORKING 12 hours shifts, night-shift, never see my kids except two nights a week, have not had a real vacation in a few years, but I provide for my family, health insurance and all. What a concept.

Now if we can just get those IVDA's with those "spider bites" from spending 3-5 weeks in the hospital after shooting up and becoming infected! There is another "sucking population". OOPS, I know..... I am NOT politically correct here. NO APOLOGIES from me! Oh yeah, when I retire I will look at the states that have enacted the same law as Colorado. Toche' Gov. Bill Owens! Thank you Thank you!

That sickens me:madface: No wonder there won't be any left when I retire, despite the fact I will have put in for many years

I too know of a case. My friend's son is married to a Chinese lady, whom came here 20 years ago at age of 19. She followed her 8 brothers . All received college educations here and they're all in the high tech field except one who owns a restaurant . They all make over a $100,000 a year and she and her husband live in Palo Alto (rich neighborhood), When she found out that her parents could get SS if they were citizens, she brought them over and they supported them for I think it is two years. Now her parents (in their '70s) both get SS though they've never worked a day in their life here and only became citizens to get benefits. They get medicare also. They make no attempt to learn English and spend six months out of the year in China. This country is dying of Congestive Heart Failure.:(

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