Collin College ADN SPRING 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


I am hoping to be part of the Collin College Spring 2018 Nursing Class and I want to start a new thread where other potential students can communicate with one another. I am taking Micro this summer and plan on submitting my nursing application by the August deadline. I will be taking my PSB exam at the end of July.

Collin no longer gives potential students access to the point system used to rank students. Does anyone know what a competitive PSB score is?

I have a 3.75 for my co-requisites and I am hoping to maintain my 4.0 in my pre-requisites. Can anyone offer any insight on PSB scores?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks for the update, mavwagg. It's my birthday tomorrow and getting an acceptance letter from Collin would be the best present ever! That said, a rejection letter would be a bummer. Just so anxious waiting for any response at this point.

I am rooting for us all! We have all established a form of camaraderie through this forum and I am hoping we can all be classmates!:nurse:

Hey guys, I'm new to this post but I've been following it since I turned in my application. I just wanted to say good luck to everybody! This week seems so long because of waiting for our letters!

I heard a rumor that letters were sent out yesterday(don't quote me on this, it's just what I heard), which means depending on where you live there's a chance that you got one today. Anyone check their mail yet?????

Not yet! I'm anxiously waiting to get off work. I only live a couple miles from the school so I'll definitely post if I get it! Oh my gosh the nerves. í ½í¸±

Not yet! I'm anxiously waiting to get off work. I only live a couple miles from the school so I'll definitely post if I get it! Oh my gosh the nerves. ������

I tried to convince our Charge Nurse that going home to check my mailbox was more important than finishing my shift. She didn't agree. :roflmao: I guess I'll see in a little bit if mine came or not.

Mine didn't come. Hopefully tomorrow!

Eek! Did you call the nursing department? I had to speak with Cathleen this AM regarding a TB test that was being required of me at work and she mentioned letters would be sent end of next week. Didn't post update because i didn't want to keep going back and forth with all this she said he said. But i am hoping the rumor which you speak of is true. As someone else commented, "this waiting is messing with my quality of life." lol :yuck:

I can tell you that last year letters were received before 10/10/16 by a few of my friends. The waiting is driving me crazy and I may be guilty of scanning through my text messages from last year and seeing where I sent Congrats. So the time is near!

the anticipation is overwhelming!

the anticipation is overwhelming!

For real! I went on a shopping spree yesterday to take my mind off of it and I spent some of my nursing tuition. :sneaky: So worth it. Hehe!

Alright, I just spoke to Cathleen and she said the letters will be going out by the END of NEXT WEEK :crying2:

Alright, I just spoke to Cathleen and she said the letters will be going out by the END of NEXT WEEK :crying2:

yeah that is what she told m yesterday! I am assuming letters won't be received until 3rd week of October. Two more weeks of uncertainty :cry:

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