CNA impersonating RN


I'm not really sure where this goes, but I ran into an old friend the other day and asked how his family was doing. My friend's sister has worked as a CNA for years, but never went to nursing school as she became a stay at home wife as soon as she got married and quit school (prereqs) and her job.

My friend told me that his sister is currently working at a local middle school as the school nurse. I replied that I thought his sister never attended nursing school, so if he was sure if that was really her job title. He replied that she had her CNA and that since their grandma works for the school system was able to pull a few strings and get her hired.

I asked if maybe she was assisting the school nurse and he told me that the previous nurse either quit or was let go. (Can't remember.) I questioned him on what would happen if there was an emergency, as CNA training doesn't prepare you to handle those type of situations. He told me that all she does is call the parents if the kids get sick, and other than that give them Band-Aids or juice/snacks if they feel weak and allow the kids to lay down. He said her job was pretty laid back, and she really enjoys it and the salary increase that comes along with being a nurse.

I thought maybe he was lying about her working as a nurse having never attended nursing school of any kind, and asked another friend's little sister who attends that middle school (in 8th grade) who their new school nurse was. The little girl described her and even said my friends sisters name, so I pulled up a picture of her and asked the little girl if that was her and she replied that it was.

I'm a little shocked how this is even legal and honestly quite annoyed as I am busting my butt in school while others can claim and even get hired as a "nurse" without working for that title. Her name badge even has RN on it. Am I over reacting?

The local CNA school in our town that me and his sister went to is 1 week of training (ADL's, BP, simple tasks) and then we are allowed to test to become certified for the state of FL. All I can think of is that this situation would be a disaster if one of those children had a major health problem and that our 1 week CNA training clearly doesn't cut out to handle those situations.

We live in a very small town, and who you know does pull more weight than what you know. This same family got their cousin hired on as a paralegal without ever attending school, although I know nothing if on the job training is offered in place of schooling for that.

Any insights on this?

You should report it. When that little voice in your gut speaks to you, listen to it.

You just may save some kids life by doing so.

I would just call the school's principal and explain that I was confused by some information or perhaps misinformation that I had heard about the school's 'nurse' and ask the principal to clarify what the position title is and what the qualifications are for the position.

That small of a town I'm sure there are plenty of parents on site that would recognize or question if she's an RN if she was truly impersonating one. I don't see any moral obligation from your 3rd party position.

But since you're still friends invite her to drinks or whatever after work, meet her at work.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

Call the Board of Nursing. You can register an anonymous concern. Tell them someone is being represented as a nurse, who is likely not a nurse. Ask them to clarify school board hiring policy and whether this person is actually a nurse or being misrepresented.

This is something any private citizen can do, and a responsibility for anyone who is a nurse. The public needs to be properly informed as to who is caring for them or their children. Misrepresentations should be taken seriously. You don't need to go on your own private sleuthing mission. Just drop a dime to the Board of Nursing and let them straighten it out. It's their job.

OP hasn't confirmed whether the CNA is actually impersonating an RN.

I think a lot of people are jumping the gun. All we know is that this person's brother thinks she is a nurse. Hardly the first time a family member assumed their CNA relative was a "nurse". Oh, and a young child thinks so, too. Still means nothing.

The OP said she did not know that UAP are often hired as health assistants in schools..... a common practice in many parts of the nation.... and further clarified that she now thinks the UAP explanation is the most likely one.

Advising her to notify the BON at this point is uncalled for. There isn't near enough information to warrant that. A phone call to the school, asking them if they have a school nurse on duty, will likely clarify that they in fact employ unlicensed aides at the individual school level, with RN at the school district level to supervise.

It is not OP's responsibility for proving or disproving anything. She also has no responsibility for discussing this on a public website. Report the matter or stop talking about it and let the chips fall where they may. Constant rehashing does no one any good.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Please verify information prior to sending up alarm bells with reports to school district, board of nursing etc.

PA schools list on school website who is taking care of their children. Look at the school website to see if they have a listing for health services.

Info from school districts in my area lists services provided and has link to "Health Staff" at each school. PA Dept of Health regulations only require ONE certified school nurse to 1,500 students. Article XIV (School Health Services)

Health Room Services

Health services are planned to help your child achieve his/her fullest potential in school. A team of health professionals provides services.

First aid and health counseling are available to all students during the school year. State mandated health screenings are conducted annually. Vision, height, weight, and body mass index screenings are conducted yearly in all grades. Hearing screening is done in kindergarten and grades one, two, three, seven, and eleven. Mandated scoliosis screenings are done in grades six and seven. Should a problem or potential problem be detected in any of the screenings, parents will be contacted and further evaluation will be recommended.

Pennsylvania State Health Law requires a physical examination upon entrance to school in kindergarten or first grade and again in grades six and eleven. Dental exams are required in kindergarten or first grade and in grades 3 and 7.

The Health Services team is composed of certified school nurses, staff nurses, a physician, and a dentist. Please feel free to contact your school nurse regarding health issues that might arise for your child during the school year. If your child has a special health concern, it is recommended that you meet with the school nurse at least once each year.

You can see from this district's Health Services how one Certified School Nurse (CSN) covers several schools, while School Health Personnel provide support when CSN is offsite at alternate school - private and Catholic schools often see the CSN 1-2x week for 1/2 day.

THE HEALTH ROOM NURSE is an RN or LPN who assists in providing medical and health related services to support the educational programming and physical needs of students under the direction of the Certified School Nurse (CSN).

THE HEALTH ASSISTANT is present in the secondary Health Offices during school hours. Qualifications for the job include a high school diploma, training in emergency first aid and certification in CPR/AED.

If information is not shown online, then contact school secretary for information how health services staffed at this school. Follow-up contact/meeting with principal thereafter IF confirmed person is passing themselves off as RN.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

The BON is the logical place to start. And finish. You're not "telling on" anyone and you don't need to prove anything. Just raise a concern and ask for clarification. They will clarify and put your mind at rest; or they will intervene appropriately. This is a simple matter to put to rest.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
OP hasn't confirmed whether the CNA is actually impersonating an RN.

No need for the OP to confirm anything. That's the BON's job. They may well confirm that everything is as it should be. Or not.

I wouldn't make an unsubstantiated report to the BON based on a 3rd party conversation.

Especially when I could simply confirm if my friend was working at a public school with a name tag that says RN or not, which is what this is all about, before I'd waste the BON's time.

And I think it's far fetched that children lives are presently at stake under the nose of the school administration who hasn't likely hired an onsite RN at one of their middle schools IOW's, they know she isn't an RN.

Slow news day around here.

It is not OP's responsibility for proving or disproving anything. She also has no responsibility for discussing this on a public website. Report the matter or stop talking about it and let the chips fall where they may. Constant rehashing does no one any good.

If nothing else, it would be a waste of the BON's time if this person is simply a UAP working as a health aide at a public school. It is extremely easy to find out if the school hires UAP on staff. A phone call to the school is undoubtedly easier than whatever the process of initiating a BON investigation entails.

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