

I have a question regarding protocols when it comes to the arrangements made for clinicals. I am in a program where clinicals are supposed to be on 1 set day of the week, but in this rotation that day of the week was changed without prior notice. I work two jobs and most of my hours are worked on the weekends due to me being a student. My employer is aware of me being in school an allows me the regular day of the week off to accommodate my school schedule. With this new change in date and the time frame I was notified in I am not able to change my work schedule an of course if I don't attend clinical I will be kicked out of the program. Is the school wrong for not giving me notice within the proper time frame to accommodate the change or is this short notice typical ?

Same thing happened with my program. It's not unheard of. Sorry that you have to work around it. It's hard enough to work around scheduling conflicts, not to mention last minute changes.

I am so close to being finished, an this is my last rotation for clinicals. Its so frustrating an I really do not kno wat I am goin to do if they don't change it for me.

My program is upfront with us that we need to plan our schedule including work around the schedule they set for us. Sometimes weekend clinicals are the only option depending on instructor availability or availability at the clinical site. Yes it can be frustrating to have situations like that happen, but at least with my program and others we are told of that possibility at the beginning and the expectation is for the student to adjust their schedule.

I truly understand that , an if notice was provided even 3 to 4 weeks ahead of time I could have adjusted my work schedule. We had a time change and we were notified 12 weeks in advance so no one could say they could not attend I jus feel blindsided by this change because I wasn't given the time to change anything.

Wow that sucks! My school has never changed our clinicals like that. Any changes are usually at LEAST a month or 2 in advance.

Specializes in Psych/Mental Health.
I am so close to being finished, an this is my last rotation for clinicals. Its so frustrating an I really do not kno wat I am goin to do if they don't change it for me.

If they don't change it for you, tell your boss you can't go into work. The worst is that you get fired, and it's not your fault.

If you get kicked out of the program, you waste the time/money invested in the degree, and all the future RN income stream.

Thank you u r absolutely right

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

While it isn't very common, when t happens it is not usually the choice of the school. The clinical placements are decided by what the hospitals have available. If that availability changes, then your clinical schedule changes. The school can't change it.

Best at bet is to explain to your boss what happened and hope they are understanding.

While it isn't very common, when t happens it is not usually the choice of the school. The clinical placements are decided by what the hospitals have available. If that availability changes, then your clinical schedule changes. The school can't change it.

Best at bet is to explain to your boss what happened and hope they are understanding.

^^ This.

The school can get away with doing this, thought it's definitely ****** of them. This happened at my school and the faculty simply said, "Well, we told you to be flexible." They gave less than a week's notice and some people got in trouble at work; some people really need that paycheck for their kids. I thought it was insanely rude. Sorry that's happening to you.

ETA: But as others have said, it's most likely in your best interest to comply with your school's schedule and to hope that your work understands. Long term vs short term. Also, my school didn't do this with clinical; they did this with our finals day. They changed the date of the test to a day we never had classes, and they informed everyone of it with less than a week's notice. That's what was ****** to me. It sucks when clinicals are moved, but school's don't always have full control over that.

Our clinical days are set monday and tuesdays, we have issues with the class schedule coming out a week before classes start then 2 days after class starts with changes. It's frustrating but sounds like it's common practice.

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