I have to say this is my pet peeve! I absolutely hate it when they call patients "client" - can NOT STAND IT.
I got out of sales because I hated the greed, and the corporate feel.
Now there is a push somewhere - not sure where its coming from to call patients, "client". Client is a BUSINESS term. It is indicative of someone you have a FINANCIAL contract with. Attorney -CLIENT relationship. Realtor -CLIENT relationship.
I know hospitals charge money for their services, but in a MEDICAL setting - these people should not be called CLIENTS. These are PATIENTS - people who are sick, have an ailment, and are coming for MEDICAL attention.
Calling them CLIENT is a COLD term that ignores their reason for needing medical attention.
I see this on NCLEX questions, and study books as well - calling the patient CLIENT instead of PATIENT.
They are PATIENTS. Grrrrr