Clayton State vs Mercer

U.S.A. Georgia



I have been accepted at Ga Baptist (Mercer) and am waiting to hear from Clayton State University. Any thoughts on which school would prepare me better? Ga Baptist will take 6 semesters, Clayton only 4 (I am a 2nd degree student), and tuition is less at Clayton, but do Ga Baptist grads really get better jobs right after graduation as they claim? Thanks

Specializes in MICU.

Loans, loans, and more loans. It was very stressful and I hope it all pays off. I will definitely keep you guys posted. Thanks!

I'm finishing first semester at Clayton. I believe that it's all in what you put into it. Clinicals is where you really become a good nurse. I saw some students that didn't prepare, and didn't get as much out of it as others that prepared the night before. I also ran into a new nurse from Mercer that was a new hire. This person seemed competent, but in no way would I say more prepared than any other new grads that I've met along the way. As far as nursing schools, personally, I want to get out asap to start working-however, I'm happy to be working on a BSN instead of an ASN. So either Clayton or Mercer would work in that regard. One more thought: I have friends that graduated from Clayton and Gordon--neither had a problem getting a job at Atlanta Medical Center, (ICU and Telemetry). Both have same pay as well.

Specializes in MICU.

Wow csweetooth, six classes! I know you will scream if you don't get in. I am taking four classes now and I will be taking three this summer. I hope that all is well and that you are able to finish out the semester with a very good gpa.

Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

Did you get in? They sent my friend a letter friday and he got in. 3.9 gpa 77 comp on the NET. I spoke to them & their waiting for my spring grades since I didn't do well in A&P 1. I'm praying that there are spots still open by the time my grades get there. I'm so nervous that I can't sleep.

Specializes in MICU.

I have not received anything yet. They are probably still waiting on my Spring grades as well, as I am just now completing A&P I or do you think that they would go ahead and make a decision? I have to take A&P II and Micro in the Summer. I hope there will be a spot open for me as well. Tell your friend congrats. Is he sure that he will be attending GBCN? I am crossing my fingers for both of us.

Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

Yes he is going. Now he is on a mission to find funding. What school do you go to now? You plan on taking A&P 2 during summer session 1 and micro during summer session 2? I'm so nervous that I can't sleep. I just want to know already so I can move on. I hope I don't get a bad response around my birthday. If it's good then ok but that will kill my birthday if it's bad. I spoke to Ms. Taylor and she said look for something soon. All I know now is that if it's a big envelope we are in!!!!!!!!

Specializes in MICU.

I am at Clayton State right now. I know I am doing a lot by taking the two classes this summer but I am just hoping that they will see that I am capable of handling the workload. Ms. Taylor is very helpful when I email her. I hope we do get big envelopes soon. My grades will not be available until May 13th, but I am going to send an unofficial transcript until the school sends out the official. I have already requested that they send them when the transcripts are updated. I hope that you receive good news around your birthday as well. Are you at GPC now? I am praying for both of us. I am searching for funding options as well, even though I don't know if I am in or not. Do you know how many people have applied for Fall 2009? Man the competition is stiff. I just hope my applications made an impression.

Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

Yes i'm at GPC. There have been a few people that got accepted. Ms. Taylor wouldn't tell me how many spots are left. Did you apply to clayton state?

Specializes in MICU.

No I didn't apply at Clayton. I wish I knew how many spots were still available. Clayton includes all of the courses that you retake in your gpa and not the highest grade so that turned me off. They only accept about 60 each semester. I also didn't want to take Survey of Chemistry.

Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

Hello everyone. I'm in the same boat as you csweetooth. I'm attending Atlanta Metropolitian college right now. I just took my finals for the spring semester yesterday. I have to retake the net. because I only had a composite score of 71. They look at the reading comp. and that's it. I did horrible on the reading comp. 45, but made a 97 on the math. Once I get the transcript in and retake the net, they will reevaluate it. I was going to take the net at mercer again, but the next date wasn't until May 16th. I am taking it over at pearsonvue here in Atlanta, on Wednesday 13th. It's a little more expensive to take it there. $100, but if you want to take it before the times the school offers it, then that would be good. You will also know your test results right then and there instead of waiting for a week if you were to take it on pencil and paper. You only get 2 shots for the year to do well on the net and this will be my second try. Pray for me.

Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

I'm with you LilQueen CMA. I will be praying. Study for the NET everyday so it becames routine. Let me know how you do. Hope to see you in the fall. Does your school over an online nutrition class?

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