Published Aug 16, 2005
4 Posts
OK, I have been out of school for over 8 years and I'm going back to a nursing degree program. What to bring to class has been an issue lately on my mind. How do you keep track with all your courses (binders...??) and are students allowed to bring tape recorders or laptops to class??
Please share!! :) Thank-you in advance!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Welcome to the family of allnurses. Congrats on going back to school. As far as laptops and recorders you need to verify with the school that it is ok. Especially the instructor. It has been my experience that some teachers want to know if they are being recorded. Hope to see you soon. Good luck
47 Posts
I know when I started back to school the first thing the instructors told us was " It would be advisable to buy a tape recorder and bring it to class EVERY day, because in most cases I will not have time to repeat everything i talk about". Buying the recorder was a good investment and it did help when I was at home studing late at night and couldnt remeber what the instructor had said that day. But like someone else pointed out, you may want to check with your instructors first before you take one to class. As far as binders go, they have a new kind out where you can write on them in a marker and later erase what you wrote on them. I bought a couple of them to use for classes and I like them. Saves money every semester so I dont have to buy different binders, or if you use the same binder for a different semester you dont have a bunch of writing on them and it just looks neater. Just my opinion, hope this helps you.
122 Posts
good advise, i been thinking about buying a recorder for a long time for school and personal use, i think , buying one make sense, there are only cheap and you can use it for most of the class.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
OK, I have been out of school for over 8 years and I'm going back to a nursing degree program. What to bring to class has been an issue lately on my mind. How do you keep track with all your courses (binders...??) and are students allowed to bring tape recorders or laptops to class??Please share!! :) Thank-you in advance!Coco
:balloons: Hello and Welcome :balloons:
Just check with your school re: laptops and PDA's, recorders. I imagine they will be just fine.
Good luck!!!!!!!
19 Posts
laptops and other peripherals are allowed in my school. some other courses like english and psychology are it really depends on the instructor. btw, i'm a first year nursing student in british columbia. hi to everyone!!
2,016 Posts
Heck, our classrooms are set up for laptops with power run to each table. And recorders are welcome in every class I've had...if they *weren't* I'd have to wonder why not??
I use a 2" binder with dividers for each unit of study in lecture and lab...and a separate notebook for clinical stuff. I also keep an accordian folder full of extra clinical forms I may need.
Another must: make copies of every clinical week's work...I have most of it on my harddrive, but I want a copy with the CI's comments for future reference
Oh, and save save save everything from each semester. You never know when an instructor will say "That information is in your packet from NUR 115" for example. I have a file drawer just for nursing school materials.