Children's Colorado New Grad Program March 2014 Start

U.S.A. Colorado



So I couldn't find a thread for the March 2014 start date, so I thought I would start one! How is everyone? I believe we find out soon if we were selected for interviews. Anyone know anything else?

Good luck everyone. Nurse 216 - I hope so. I'm afraid I won't get my license in time, but I'm trying not to stress about it until after the interview.

Hello all- here I sit on January 3rd, nearly a month after what I thought was going to be the telling of if I received an interview or not.. my status changed December 23 to 'route' but I haven't heard anything since then. I'm wondering if other people still have their status as route? Are they done scheduling interviews? Blah!

I'm interviewing on 1/14. In all my excitement, I forgot to ask about what units but I applied to NICU, PICU, and ED. Good luck everyone.


You might want to call HR to see what's up with your application. I think no news is good news. But interviews are starting up next Tuesday so if you're interviewing, you'll need to get your references pulled together pretty quick.

I think that is what I am most worried about- that I won't have time to pull any references together. I do believe they are interviewing over the course of a week or two? I can't recall. I emailed Donnya Mogensen- the email I found on the new grad page- last week but I haven't heard anything back from her.

No news is good news, I concur with that statement. I'm remaining positive but it is definitely nerve wracking :)

Congrats to you all on your interviews thus far!

Did your application change to anything after you received an interview call or is it still on route?


My status still says route. Donnya has been my point person and would know if you've been selected for an interview. Give her a call and let her know that you haven't heard anything back. I believe that interviews are scheduled from the 14th to the 23rd.

Hey Everyone,

I was selected for an interview on January 16 and I am looking forward to moving along with this whole process! It sure has been nerve racking, but I am excited to take the next step! When I got the call I had bad service and was unable to get exact details, but I sent an email later to find out more details and everyone I came into contact with was very helpful and encouraging.

Congrats sep71114. I can't believe interviews are coming up so quickly. I'll be brushing up my interview skills this weekend.

Does anybody know how long after interviews are complete we are supposed to hear whether or not we were selected? I feel like I remember seeing something that said it wouldn't be until late February. But, that seems like it would be a long time to wait...hopefully it will be earlier than that!

Hmmm, I don't remember from their timeline when offers would go out, but late February seems like a time crunch to me. I was hoping it would be shortly after interviews!

I hope we hear sooner than later. The waiting will be the death of me otherwise. When is everyone taking their NCLEX. I test on 2/6. I figured that would be plenty of time to be licensed by 3/1 per job description. I just finished Kaplan review class this week but I'll be focusing my time on reviewing pediatrics before Tuesdays interview.

I graduated last May and have had my license since last no more NCLEX for me!! But good luck to you all who are taking it soon, I know how nerve racking it is, but you'll get through it!!

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