Children's Colorado New Grad Program March 2014 Start

U.S.A. Colorado



So I couldn't find a thread for the March 2014 start date, so I thought I would start one! How is everyone? I believe we find out soon if we were selected for interviews. Anyone know anything else?

Specializes in NICU.

Hi, Everyone. Glad I found this topic and all of your posts! Krstr, do you know if you are interviewing for a particular floor or is it a general interview? I have an interview in January but was so excited when I got the call I didn't ask many questions. I haven't received any emails since, so I am also wondering how many references they ask for. Thanks for any info you have!

They told me I was interviewing on NiCU and oncology. When they called they mentioned references and that I would get an e mail. It's an online system you fill out references and their e mail and a survey is sent to them. They want at least 4, no more than 10. At least 1 clinical instructor. Hope that helps! Wouldn't hurt to start asking!

Specializes in NICU.

Thank you so much! So will you interview twice?

when i asked at a job fair they had they told me that it was essentially one interview by HR and one by the departments. That could have changed now. There is a panel of interviewers so you only get interviewed once by the department, technically.

Specializes in NICU.

Thank you, Nurse216. :)

Ya they just said it should be about an hour and a half and they take your picture when you get there! That's all I know haha!

Specializes in NICU.

She did tell me about the photo. I wish I would have seen your post about the need to ask questions! Oh, well. I'm just so excited and nervous.

Specializes in NICU.

I hope you all are having wonderful holidays! I have gone from being nervous about hearing from them to being super nervous about interviewing. Does anyone know if there is anything else scheduled on the day that we interview? Is there a test that we take? During the phone call she mentioned a skills survey but it sounds like that is for our references to fill out.

Our inn I am so nervous as well! Did you get the e mail about directions? It says we will go in and wait in the hall until they are ready... Made it sound like a panel interview! No idea how to prepare. What day do you interview?

Hey all... Does anyone know when the actual start date is if we get hired at Children's?

I think March 1

Hi everyone! I was selected for an interview for the NICU at Children's coming up on January 14th, but I have a prior commitment in a different state that same day...and was told they don't have any other interview dates/times fingers are crossed that I'll find a way to make it, as it is both my dream unit and hospital. I was curious to know if anyone has any more information on the actual interview itself. And what is the test at the end of the interview that everyone keeps talking about? Good luck to everyone!

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