On our unit, we fill out a "wish list" for our upcoming schedule. In the past, our scheduler has said that she prioritizes who gets requested days off based on the reason for needing the day off. At this point in my life, I have to request Sundays off because I have absolutely NO daycare on that day (and believe me, I have tried to find a daycare provider). My husband has tried to get Sundays off so that I can work them and can't. He is still trying. So, as I usually do, I did my request for Sundays. Now, I am scheduled to work Easter and can't. I have brought the issue up to the scheduler, who says that she didn't give me the day off because other people got their requests in before me. Most of the people who request Sundays off are actually available but just WANT the day off. I know this because they tell me this in the breakroom. The reason I get didn't my request in before them--I was sick with the flu for an entire week, then was off the week after to take care of my daughter who'd had surgery.
I am so upset about this that I am ready to go to HR and our CEO about the issue. I am ready to contact the Union.
I believe our employer should provide daycare if they are going to require people to work on days that they don't have daycare. They should not be threatening workers' employment because of this.
What do you all think? (By the way, I am not suggesting that the "single people" should work all of the holidays and weekends. I'd gladly work them if I had childcare!)