Chemistry Professor Meltdown

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am taking a Chem course at a local CC this year. Prof has a Phd.

I had to file a complaint against him a few weeks ago because he refused to answer my questions in wouldn't be as bad if he was nice about it, but he was NASTY about it.

I have the highest grade in his class, perfect class attendance, etc..there was just no reason for his "attitude".

He screamed at me one day...I came to class early and I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was having problems naming compounds...keep in mind he arrived to the classroom, but class wasn't due to start for another 5 minutes....when he saw another student and I discussing the Chemical naming process...he waited until all the other students arrived and said loudly, " (my name)...don't bother other students with your questions"...I think that was uncalled friend was quick to remind him that I didn't ask...she offered and he said, "Whatever you are doing, just stop it!"

Get the picture?

Well, this guy isn't from the USA originally...and yesterday during our lab, my lab partner mis-measured a type of salt...and when our experiment didn't turn out the way it was supposed to...a simple slip of the bottle translated into an entire lecture on how we were never going to make it in life if we didn't know how to follow directions (my partner screwed it up...not me), then he proceeded to tell us it wasn't really our fault because we were educated in a horrible American Education system, that was run by the almighty dollar, and that it was his job to make sure we were educated properly when we were in his class...then he focused in on my lab partner...she started to cry and excused herself from the classroom...keep in mind...this is in front of EVERYBODY...

She returned a few minutes later...and then instead of keeping his trap shut, he starting saying when she came back by telling her,"You can just leave if you want to...nobody is making you stay can blame me for your inability to follow directions if you want but it's really because you had a poor education in high school..." he kept going ON AND ON AND ON!

I was just floored...I could go on forever about his behavior...but I don't think this guy's elevator goes all the way to the top. I felt so sorry for that student...

If he thinks the American Education system is so poor, then why is he working in it?

Wow, that is absolutely crazy!!!:madface:

I would complain about this guy until I was BLUE in the face! That type of behavior in a professional academic setting is preposterous!!! I would talk to every single person above him until action was taken.

Bad professors just burn me up - especially when the students pay the price!

I am taking a Chem course at a local CC this year. Prof has a Phd.

I had to file a complaint against him a few weeks ago because he refused to answer my questions in wouldn't be as bad if he was nice about it, but he was NASTY about it.

I have the highest grade in his class, perfect class attendance, etc..there was just no reason for his "attitude".

He screamed at me one day...I came to class early and I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was having problems naming compounds...keep in mind he arrived to the classroom, but class wasn't due to start for another 5 minutes....when he saw another student and I discussing the Chemical naming process...he waited until all the other students arrived and said loudly, " (my name)...don't bother other students with your questions"...I think that was uncalled friend was quick to remind him that I didn't ask...she offered and he said, "Whatever you are doing, just stop it!"

Get the picture?

Well, this guy isn't from the USA originally...and yesterday during our lab, my lab partner mis-measured a type of salt...and when our experiment didn't turn out the way it was supposed to...a simple slip of the bottle translated into an entire lecture on how we were never going to make it in life if we didn't know how to follow directions (my partner screwed it up...not me), then he proceeded to tell us it wasn't really our fault because we were educated in a horrible American Education system, that was run by the almighty dollar, and that it was his job to make sure we were educated properly when we were in his class...then he focused in on my lab partner...she started to cry and excused herself from the classroom...keep in mind...this is in front of EVERYBODY...

She returned a few minutes later...and then instead of keeping his trap shut, he starting saying when she came back by telling her,"You can just leave if you want to...nobody is making you stay can blame me for your inability to follow directions if you want but it's really because you had a poor education in high school..." he kept going ON AND ON AND ON!

I was just floored...I could go on forever about his behavior...but I don't think this guy's elevator goes all the way to the top. I felt so sorry for that student...

If he thinks the American Education system is so poor, then why is he working in it?

He sounds EXACTLY like the professor I had, BTW is he from Argentina, he may be the same guy :rolleyes: Maybe you and I are at the same school ?

Please keep riding this X until the school does something to him. How dare he? This whack job could screw up your or another person's nursing goal - don't let him!!!!!!

What a jerk! I would start recording the lectures and labs. If he has a problem with that, let him take it up with his department head. Everytime he talks like this to a person, take the tape to the department head or the dean. If they refuse to do something about it, send a copy to the media. There is no sense in that.

where is he from? lol

i'm sorry you have to deal with a professor like that. unfortunately i think everyone gets at least one during their education.

normally i would recommend talking to him about his behavior but this guy doesn't seem like the receptive type. all you can do is keep the department posted on his behavior, continue to do your best, and try not to let him get to you.

start a countdown to the end of the class - that always helps me :)

Well, I have learned to deal with him...but it was difficult watching him bash one of my classmates like that. She originally wasn't going to complain, because he told her it wouldn't do any good...and I told her, "Of course he is going to tell you that...that is what bully's's part of the intimidation process."

So she went to talk to the Dean today, another student has an appt with her on Monday....the sad part is, he is a very knowledgable professor, but he has got to learn to control his temper.

I am taking a Chem course at a local CC this year. Prof has a Phd.

I had to file a complaint against him a few weeks ago because he refused to answer my questions in wouldn't be as bad if he was nice about it, but he was NASTY about it.

I have the highest grade in his class, perfect class attendance, etc..there was just no reason for his "attitude".

He screamed at me one day...I came to class early and I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was having problems naming compounds...keep in mind he arrived to the classroom, but class wasn't due to start for another 5 minutes....when he saw another student and I discussing the Chemical naming process...he waited until all the other students arrived and said loudly, " (my name)...don't bother other students with your questions"...I think that was uncalled friend was quick to remind him that I didn't ask...she offered and he said, "Whatever you are doing, just stop it!"

Get the picture?

Well, this guy isn't from the USA originally...and yesterday during our lab, my lab partner mis-measured a type of salt...and when our experiment didn't turn out the way it was supposed to...a simple slip of the bottle translated into an entire lecture on how we were never going to make it in life if we didn't know how to follow directions (my partner screwed it up...not me), then he proceeded to tell us it wasn't really our fault because we were educated in a horrible American Education system, that was run by the almighty dollar, and that it was his job to make sure we were educated properly when we were in his class...then he focused in on my lab partner...she started to cry and excused herself from the classroom...keep in mind...this is in front of EVERYBODY...

She returned a few minutes later...and then instead of keeping his trap shut, he starting saying when she came back by telling her,"You can just leave if you want to...nobody is making you stay can blame me for your inability to follow directions if you want but it's really because you had a poor education in high school..." he kept going ON AND ON AND ON!

I was just floored...I could go on forever about his behavior...but I don't think this guy's elevator goes all the way to the top. I felt so sorry for that student...

If he thinks the American Education system is so poor, then why is he working in it?

Boy I have had some bad professor's but that takes the cake, I hope you get some results! let us know please what comes of it. how is this teachers profile?

my proffesor last semester got fired she taught ap1 and some people complained about her and the Dean took them very seriously, she never bothered me and I never saw her have out bursts but thats what they said she did. It worked out for us we got a great proffessor this term but honestly I had much worse then her.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Your education is a service/product that you are paying for. THis is not good customer service. I would write a letter and send it up the chain of command at your school. This is not to be tolerated.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Has anyone ever calmly, but firmly stood up to this man in front of the class and stated, " I will not be spoken to in that manner. I will await your apology, or speak to your supervisor. Which do you prefer?"

I'm guessing not. It is amazing just how effective this technique is in putting an end to abusive behavior on the part of jack-a** teachers, co-workers, physicians, etc. I highly recommend it.

My chemistry Prof. is being a pain also. It's like they have something to prove.:scrying:

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