Cheap online MSN / FNP programs

After spending a couple full days last month applying to Georgetown's online program, I got accepted. The program is to start in March, and it's all online (except the 650 hours of clinical). I was so excited to get accepted, but am now realistically looking at the cost of tuition. $1500/hr x 45 hours = around $71,000. That's quite a bit of money, and I'm not rich by any means. I was hoping to find a program that is 30-50k.

Any recommendations on cheap online MSN / FNP programs?

I live in the D.C. area, and honestly wouldn't mind doing the program all online.

Any input is greatly appreciated.

92 Answers

Specializes in Hospice,LTC,Pacu,Regulatory,Operating room.

I am at Walden. I got a scholarship for $4000 and the military discount of 10 percent which helped cut my cost. I will start my clinicals in November.

Specializes in Addictions/Mental Health, Telemetry.

I also had a BS in another field (counseling) and an ADN. I went to South University Online. Most of my credits for my Bachelor's transferred. I had to take a statistics course and an English Composition III class, which helped tremendously with my writing skills, so I didn't mind. I loved my experience at South and plan to start their FNP online program in the Fall. There are some online programs out there that are RN to NP. Univ. O South Alabama comes to mind. Good luck.

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Frontier University? it's not cheap...but it might be an option. They also have an ADN-MSN-DNP for nurse practitioners that runs around 50K

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

If anyone lives within reasonable driving distance to University of North Carolina at Wilmington, MSN-FNP tuition and fees is about $15,000 (according to what I can tell from the website; I've requested exact program tuition/fees and will update if needed) and it's mostly only. The website says about 4 visits to the campus per semester. I hope to apply next Spring for Fall 2015 admission and I live about 2 hours away.

It's hard to beat that price!

I am rather upset about the search for a FNP program after having my ANP-The cheapest one I found will only accept half of my credits. I am thinking that this continued education is such a racket. It's a post masters certificate, not a masters degree. I am pretty disheartened by the whole thing and thinking I should have never gotten my ANP. At least I wouldn't have all that debt.


Specializes in Emergency.

I just discovered a FNP program by Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The credit hour fee is $860. Its:


John Kim

currently northern kentucky is 597 per credit hr.

Specializes in OR Nursing, Critical Care, Med-surg.

NP programs can be reasonably priced if it's one of the state's universities. However, the for-profit programs - of course can cost a pretty good penny. I'm spending less than 20K for my FNP program. Good Luck!

Specializes in ICU, Pediatrics.

I was doing a lot of research regarding online FNP program (MSN) and found this thread helpful for some suggestions. I thought I would update with my research - this is current as of May 2016. Keep in mind prices change and some schools do not publish their tuition information clearly, but this was my best assumption based on the information provided.

Frontier: 61 credits--- $535/credit--- $32,635

Univ of Cincinnati: 50 credits--- $739/credit--- $39,735

St Louis Univ: 41 credits--- $985/credit--- $40,385

Univ of Alabama Birmingham: 55 credits--- $495/credit--- $27,225

Univ of Northern Kentucky: 49 credits--- $597/credit --- $29,253

Concordia Univ: 41 credits--- $662/credit--- $27,142

Clarkson College: 47 credits--- $535/credit--- $25,145

Graceland University: 47 credits--- $735/credit--- $34,545

Duquesne University: 45 credits--- $1,218/credit--- $54,810

Indiana State: 50 credits--- $550/credit--- $27,500

Tennesee State Regents (multiple choices): 46 credits --- $750/credit--- $34,500

Univ of South Alabama: 45 credits--- $521/credit--- $23,445

Ball State Univ: 47 credits ---$590/credit--- $27,730

University of North Dakota: 59 credits--- $392/credit--- $23,128

Walden: 56 credits--- $650/credit--- $36,400

Maryville: 47 credits --- $781/credit--- $36,707

IPFW (Purdue): 46 credit--- $367/credit--- $16,882

I found it very important to clarify if the program was approved for may state, as multiple were not (South Univ is not approved for WI, for example). Based on my research my top choices are Indiana State, Concordia, Ball State and IPFW - but I am waiting to hear back from IPW re: confirmation of tuition rates.

If you have attended any of these programs, please share your thoughts!! Hope this helps others in their research!

West Coast University is 32K. I like the program, I have 6 months left

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

If you start looking at public schools and avoid for-profits, you'll find lower tuitions. Not 100%. Big name state schools might be pretty expensive too, but less well known schools are where I'd look.

Specializes in Metabolic disease.

You can add these to the list:

Herzing: 48 credits---$815/credit plus some fees---$42k

St Thomas (Miami): 47 credits---$27,500

South University---62 credits---$780/credit---$34,370 (online and on campus option in Orlando)

ECPI: 49 credits---$29k total (2.5 GPA req)

If anyone has attended these schools, it would be very helpful if you could provide some feedback on your experiences.

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