After spending a couple full days last month applying to Georgetown's online program, I got accepted. The program is to start in March, and it's all online (except the 650 hours of clinical). I was so excited to get accepted, but am now realistically looking at the cost of tuition. $1500/hr x 45 hours = around $71,000. That's quite a bit of money, and I'm not rich by any means. I was hoping to find a program that is 30-50k.
Any recommendations on cheap online MSN / FNP programs?
I live in the D.C. area, and honestly wouldn't mind doing the program all online.
32 Posts
After spending a couple full days last month applying to Georgetown's online program, I got accepted. The program is to start in March, and it's all online (except the 650 hours of clinical). I was so excited to get accepted, but am now realistically looking at the cost of tuition. $1500/hr x 45 hours = around $71,000. That's quite a bit of money, and I'm not rich by any means. I was hoping to find a program that is 30-50k.
Any recommendations on cheap online MSN / FNP programs?
I live in the D.C. area, and honestly wouldn't mind doing the program all online.
Any input is greatly appreciated.