Published Apr 3, 2007
Celia M, ASN, RN
212 Posts
We are looking at campaigning for a charge nurse differential and were wondering if anyone out there gets paid extra for being in charge and if so how much?
Thanks for your help
johnwaynehair, BSN, RN
41 Posts
We rotate the duty, and get a whopping $1.00 an hour diff. We also have to take our normal patient load.
81 Posts
When I was still working in the hospital, I was one of the full-time day charge nurses. I refused to take patients and charge (it was a busy pedi floor). We got a whopping $1 per hour for charging. Like I asked my boss, was I supposed to be impressed? I would much rather work on the floor than charge anyday.
TPTB was talking about having "designated" charge nurses with a "substantial" pay raise, I waited about 6 months, the raise never came and I accepted a M-F, no weekends, no on call, no holiday position.
114 Posts
nope- not in the ER I work in and it wont be something I would ever do either.
nurse4theplanet, RN
1,377 Posts
Charge rotates. $1 diff/hr. Usually, the charge nurse takes no pts unless we are extremely understaffed.
neneRN, BSN, RN
642 Posts
$1.50/hour diff and don't take any pts- this is in ER.
35 Posts
Buck an hour here in the ER. No patient load except during crunch times. Should be a LOT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
52 Posts
We get $2.50 more per hour. This is in ICU where the charge nurse must respond to all rapid responses and code blues in house plus we have a 28 bed unit. They do not take an assignment except in a rare occasion that we are really understaffed. We also get he $2.50 more per hour when we precept :)
470 Posts
2.00/hr in our facility.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,413 Posts
75 cents.
The charge nurses who have the position full-time get more. I recently took a charge nurse position and am getting a 5% raise, and another 5% when I finish my BSN.
In the end, it's not that much.
ginger58, ASN, RN
464 Posts
Designated lead gets a 6% differential for all hours worked whether lead or not, vacation hours, sick time. If you're a relief lead it's 6% differential for the hours worked.
nursemary9, BSN, RN
657 Posts
We get a whole $1.00/hr for Charge pay; we have to take a regular assignment besides.
Mary Ann