Challenging Hospital Dress Code

Nurses General Nursing


Please advise:

our hospital DON has announced that she wants us to change from our everyday scrubs to wearing matching scrubs (that also match our new bedspreads for our brand new unit opening in April). She thinks that we should be grateful for our multimillion dollar unit and purchase scrubs. I am angry that 1. We are being "forced"to decide between colors we don't like

2. we have to purchase these scrubs we don't like from a company they got "cheaper rates" for us (and for good reason...they are cheap/too thin) 3. We have to match bedspreads for crying out loud!! other unit has to match, I have frequently seen nurses/staff wearing clothing that hardly qualifies as scrubs....PJ's etc.

Does anyone have input/advice....thanks for your help :angryfire

Does it REALLY matter what you wear? Here in England we wear whatever uniform the Trust you work for decrees. True the uniform is supplied free by the Trust but....who cares? striped dress or blue dress I'm delivering the same care...

LOL, Hey, we're talking the U.S. of A. here, Avie. Individuality rules!!!

I personally would take issue with having to pay. If my workplace insisted on a uniform, I would happily comply, as long as they paid for them. Even if it were not the most attractive uniform, everyone would have to wear them, so what does it matter?

Does it REALLY matter what you wear? Here in England we wear whatever uniform the Trust you work for decrees. True the uniform is supplied free by the Trust but....who cares? striped dress or blue dress I'm delivering the same care...

LOL, Hey, we're talking the U.S. of A. here, Avie. Individuality rules!!!

I personally would take issue with having to pay. If my workplace insisted on a uniform, I would happily comply, as long as they paid for them. Even if it were not the most attractive uniform, everyone would have to wear them, so what does it matter?

Look on the bright side..if you want to take a quick break sit down on a bed and you would completely disappear..."gee i wonder where she went, she was here a minute ago"

but you did get some good advise about going slowly and legally...go thru channels...this may be just the manager of the unit since other parts of the same facility do not have the same code...go over their head...make a complaint...

if they do decide to have different colors for different units and if it means that much to you find another job...

if you like your job and this is the only real issue, get a do not have to roll over and play dead...but in the end you have to make up your mind what is very important to you...the one who made this decision does not want to be told that their taste is stupid [even if is, maybe esp if it is] i hope that you can find a good compromise.good luck

Look on the bright side..if you want to take a quick break sit down on a bed and you would completely disappear..."gee i wonder where she went, she was here a minute ago"

but you did get some good advise about going slowly and legally...go thru channels...this may be just the manager of the unit since other parts of the same facility do not have the same code...go over their head...make a complaint...

if they do decide to have different colors for different units and if it means that much to you find another job...

if you like your job and this is the only real issue, get a do not have to roll over and play dead...but in the end you have to make up your mind what is very important to you...the one who made this decision does not want to be told that their taste is stupid [even if is, maybe esp if it is] i hope that you can find a good compromise.good luck

I'm sorry but you are misguided if you think your clothing restricts your personal rights...I'm long used to wearing a uniform. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It does not affect the job you are hired to do and of most importance your patients do not give a damn as long as you deliver GOOD care whwther you are wearing a clown suit or the Trust uniform that I wear.

I'm sorry but you are misguided if you think your clothing restricts your personal rights...I'm long used to wearing a uniform. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It does not affect the job you are hired to do and of most importance your patients do not give a damn as long as you deliver GOOD care whwther you are wearing a clown suit or the Trust uniform that I wear.

How bout making the DOCTORS,, PT's, Phamacists, and ancillary personnel match the decor then? Oh, but they would object wouldn't they, as professionals? Why should nursing be different? I think it's humiliating, myself. A real put-down. :angryfire

I think matching the doctors to the wallpaper and the physical therapists to the flooring would be an excellent way to color coordinate the entire unit - We can't have them clashing with the bedspread nurses. :rolleyes:

How bout making the DOCTORS,, PT's, Phamacists, and ancillary personnel match the decor then? Oh, but they would object wouldn't they, as professionals? Why should nursing be different? I think it's humiliating, myself. A real put-down. :angryfire

I think matching the doctors to the wallpaper and the physical therapists to the flooring would be an excellent way to color coordinate the entire unit - We can't have them clashing with the bedspread nurses. :rolleyes:

Is it a security issue or something? "Don't give your baby to anyone that doesn't match your bedspread?" Sounds kind of boring to me...:(


Is it a security issue or something? "Don't give your baby to anyone that doesn't match your bedspread?" Sounds kind of boring to me...:(


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
I'm sorry but you are misguided if you think your clothing restricts your personal rights...I'm long used to wearing a uniform. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It does not affect the job you are hired to do and of most importance your patients do not give a damn as long as you deliver GOOD care whwther you are wearing a clown suit or the Trust uniform that I wear.

wow I can't disagree more. If that is so, make ALL personnel in the hospital wear the matching scrubs, then......and a clown s uit? No thanks. Not a clown.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
I'm sorry but you are misguided if you think your clothing restricts your personal rights...I'm long used to wearing a uniform. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It does not affect the job you are hired to do and of most importance your patients do not give a damn as long as you deliver GOOD care whwther you are wearing a clown suit or the Trust uniform that I wear.

wow I can't disagree more. If that is so, make ALL personnel in the hospital wear the matching scrubs, then......and a clown s uit? No thanks. Not a clown.

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