CGFNS CES Report Missing Clinical Hours

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I'm a Canadian educated nurse who is trying to work in the States. CGFNS sent a CES Report to Washington for me but in the report they stated I am missing clinical hours in psychiatric nursing and my education is "comparable" because of these deficiencies.

Anyone with similar issues with 'missing clinical hours' still able to get a state license?

Arlenebabes said:

For me, I contacted my school in finland and went back during a visit and did the hours. It was just like 10days! I was tired of trying to get a school/college in the US that will even allow me to do the clinical hours as stand alone. My school sent CGFNS a report of the completed hours and I was finally able to get a report without deficiencies...

So glad that worked out for you! This is worth looking into with my school because there's no schools here that would just enroll you in a stand alone course unfortunately ? .. thank you so much!

Chichi89 said:

Hey! Don't give up! There is a way around it. I sent you a message. 

Hi, I am in the same situation. Please assist with any alternative options to complete these courses and clinical hours

Much grateful to have found this community! 
Thank you in advance


Hi, I know this thread is kind of old but any Canadian RN able to get a texas license with missing psych clinical hours on CES report? 

Nar Nar RN said:

Hi, I know this thread is kind of old but any Canadian RN able to get a texas license with missing psych clinical hours on CES report? 

Hi ,

I had missing gerontology hrs and Texas BON  accepted my current work experience letter.

They should give you a letter explaining how you can complete the hours, if applicable. 

Good Luck.

Specializes in Mental health/psychiatric nursing.

Hi everyone I trust you guys are doing okey . I'm currently studying mental health nursing in the uk  with plans of moving to the states in the future . I have scorched the internet  to see if anyone has transitioned from United Kingdom to USA through the NCLEX pathway successfully but to no avail .I might  have skipped a couple of things ,im  wondering if anyone have useful information on how to make up my hours now that I'm still in my second year . I just want to get things sorted ahead of time so I don't get stuck on the way . It has always been my dream to work in the states but starting all over agin in the state will be a very expensive enterprise for me to venture into as people have recommended . If anyone could mention or direct me on how to go about this , I will greatly appreciate . My university have been very strict with my hours and cited that spoke placement to other part of nursing won't be reflected on my transcript .As you know , Uk nursing system is all fragmented which makes it difficult for our credentials to be evaluated or comparable to USA standard. I have invested time and money into this but I believe someone out there knows something that could help . I'm just seeking for alternatives to this vein please . 

Arlenebabes said:

For me, I contacted my school in finland and went back during a visit and did the hours. It was just like 10days! I was tired of trying to get a school/college in the US that will even allow me to do the clinical hours as stand alone. My school sent CGFNS a report of the completed hours and I was finally able to get a report without deficiencies...

Hi. I also did my RN program in Finland. Im currently at the stage where my school has to fill my nursing education form for CES report. However the teacher filing in the form said I'm missing clinical hours for my maternity care directive. Mind you during school days they told us it wouldn't a problem for us in the future if we're not able to get a clinical placement. So the school offered us a complementary course for maternity care directive to replace the missing clinical hours before graduation. Now that I need them to fill the forms for my CES they're saying I have to apply for a job in a maternity care facility to get at least 80 working hours and a work contract + description of the job before I can get those hours. 

Now in your message you said you only had to do 10 hours to get the credits. Was the 10 hours only in theory or was it clinical? Which school did you attend? Mine is Laurea UAS.

Specializes in Mental health/psychiatric nursing.

I'm trying to touch base with other areas of nursing like pediatric ,adult , and probably midwives ward because Uk training is based on specialisation and these hours I'm achieving outside wouldn't reflect on my transcript for reasons best known to them . My question is , will they accept written document as proof of these clinical hours from the wards I did them from ? 

Presh said:

I'm trying to touch base with other areas of nursing like pediatric ,adult , and probably midwives ward because Uk training is based on specialisation and these hours I'm achieving outside wouldn't reflect on my transcript for reasons best known to them . My question is , will they accept written document as proof of these clinical hours from the wards I did them from ? 

Hi Pesh,

Every state has different rules. I would advise you to contact the board you are interested in . They should be able to give you a way forward.

hh ih said:

Hi. I also did my RN program in Finland. Im currently at the stage where my school has to fill my nursing education form for CES report. However the teacher filing in the form said I'm missing clinical hours for my maternity care directive. Mind you during school days they told us it wouldn't a problem for us in the future if we're not able to get a clinical placement. So the school offered us a complementary course for maternity care directive to replace the missing clinical hours before graduation. Now that I need them to fill the forms for my CES they're saying I have to apply for a job in a maternity care facility to get at least 80 working hours and a work contract + description of the job before I can get those hours. 

Now in your message you said you only had to do 10 hours to get the credits. Was the 10 hours only in theory or was it clinical? Which school did you attend? Mine is Laurea UAS.

Hey, I am not sure who I am replying to at this point because the thread is really long. But this is for the person from Finland. I also graduated from Laurea UAS in 2009. I had to do 10 days of 8hrs clinical to make 80hrs. Plz if u can, just apply and complete the hours as they have proposed, because it will be a nightmare otherwise if u choose to ignore and try to pursue other routes. If the hours are missing, CGFNS will nor cut any slacks. They will still issue a report but whatever state u apply to will reject a report with deficiencies.  So that time and money you'll be wasting. Just do what u can now before it gets to CGFNS

arleneyuh said:

Hey, I am not sure who I am replying to at this point because the thread is really long. But this is for the person from Finland. I also graduated from Laurea UAS in 2009. I had to do 10 days of 8hrs clinical to make 80hrs. Plz if u can, just apply and complete the hours as they have proposed, because it will be a nightmare otherwise if u choose to ignore and try to pursue other routes. If the hours are missing, CGFNS will nor cut any slacks. They will still issue a report but whatever state u apply to will reject a report with deficiencies.  So that time and money you'll be wasting. Just do what u can now before it gets to CGFNS

Hi thank you for your quick reply. I'm the person from Finland. Did you do the clinical hours as a student or an employee? It's just rather unfortunate I have to quit my current permanent job to look for a new job in maternal health. I have a friend who graduated from metropolia UAS, did not do clinical in maternal health. She only did a short course in gynaecology but when her school filled a form her application got approved by CGFNS. She did it for both USA and New Zealand with separate applications and both countries approved her CES without the missing clinical hours!

Maternity & Infant care has always been a problem at Laurea. I think in the later years they tried to re arrange their curriculum because all their ex students kept having thesame problem. Metropolia had a way more advanced curriculum.  It's just 80hrs. You don't have to quit your job. I came from abroad to do those hours and I did them like a placement. I had to beg and plea for them to get one for me. Go to any unit and explain yourself to management. I tell you it's your BEST BET to get it done now that you are still in Finland. 

arleneyuh said:

Maternity & Infant care has always been a problem at Laurea. I think in the later years they tried to re arrange their curriculum because all their ex students kept having thesame problem. Metropolia had a way more advanced curriculum.  It's just 80hrs. You don't have to quit your job. I came from abroad to do those hours and I did them like a placement. I had to beg and plea for them to get one for me. Go to any unit and explain yourself to management. I tell you it's your BEST BET to get it done now that you are still in Finland. 

It seems they did not rearrange the curriculum well enough because I graduated in 2019. Thank you for your suggestions. I'll see if I can find a ward willing for me to work just 80 hours. It will be challenging though. One more question. I took care of infants from under one year upwards during my pediatrics clinical placement. Can't that be considered as a directive for maternal/infants?

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