CGFNS CES Report Missing Clinical Hours

World Registration


Specializes in Peds.


I'm a Canadian educated nurse who is trying to work in the States. CGFNS sent a CES Report to Washington for me but in the report they stated I am missing clinical hours in psychiatric nursing and my education is "comparable" because of these deficiencies.

Anyone with similar issues with 'missing clinical hours' still able to get a state license?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

Hi. Yes, I endorsed my Canadian RN registration to ME State Board. Some State Board either require eDAS or CES for license endorsement. So on my CGFNS Visa Screen form, my 3 schools put N/A on clinical hours for peds and obs. I had theories for these but no clinical hours. CGFNS still deemed my education comparable to the US. Aside from eDAS, the Board asked for letters from my schools if I had clinical hours on these. Eventually the Board decided to give me (& others... I had been messaging) the license.

I tried to endorse my US license to California and I am deemed deficient for peds and obs so the requirement & strictness depends per State Board - (They wanted me to go to California and take each course there within 3years). If I applied for endorsement to Washington State, I would only ask for CGFNS eDAS rather than CES since they accept such. But it really depends on the analyst. 

That is why some people apply to the State Board that likely give you the license I.e. MI, NY, MN, do not need SSN & has reciprocity with Canada. I would still think positive though. Did you also apply for CGFNS Visa Screen? 

On 1/7/2022 at 7:18 PM, hypnotizer90 said:

Hi. Yes, I endorsed my Canadian RN registration to ME State Board. Some State Board either require eDAS or CES for license endorsement. So on my CGFNS Visa Screen form, my 3 schools put N/A on clinical hours for peds and obs. I had theories for these but no clinical hours. CGFNS still deemed my education comparable to the US. Aside from eDAS, the Board asked for letters from my schools if I had clinical hours on these. Eventually the Board decided to give me (& others... I had been messaging) the license.

I tried to endorse my US license to California and I am deemed deficient for peds and obs so the requirement & strictness depends per State Board - (They wanted me to go to California and take each course there within 3years). If I applied for endorsement to Washington State, I would only ask for CGFNS eDAS rather than CES since they accept such. But it really depends on the analyst. 

That is why some people apply to the State Board that likely give you the license I.e. MI, NY, MN, do not need SSN & has reciprocity with Canada. I would still think positive though. Did you also apply for CGFNS Visa Screen? 

For Cali

Did you submit your transcript/breakdown via CGFNS (CES or eDas) or directly through school? 


Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
2 hours ago, candlelight said:

For Cali

Did you submit your transcript/breakdown via CGFNS (CES or eDas) or directly through school? 

I did both which I shouldn’t have to since they had same outcome regardless. 

3 hours ago, hypnotizer90 said:

I did both which I shouldn’t have to since they had same outcome regardless. 

Both edas and ces?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
1 hour ago, candlelight said:

Both edas and ces?

Just the eDAS and the educational breakdown form from school. Just request the form from school. 

On 1/7/2022 at 6:18 PM, hypnotizer90 said:

Hi. Yes, I endorsed my Canadian RN registration to ME State Board. Some State Board either require eDAS or CES for license endorsement. So on my CGFNS Visa Screen form, my 3 schools put N/A on clinical hours for peds and obs. I had theories for these but no clinical hours. CGFNS still deemed my education comparable to the US. Aside from eDAS, the Board asked for letters from my schools if I had clinical hours on these. Eventually the Board decided to give me (& others... I had been messaging) the license.

I tried to endorse my US license to California and I am deemed deficient for peds and obs so the requirement & strictness depends per State Board - (They wanted me to go to California and take each course there within 3years). If I applied for endorsement to Washington State, I would only ask for CGFNS eDAS rather than CES since they accept such. But it really depends on the analyst. 

That is why some people apply to the State Board that likely give you the license I.e. MI, NY, MN, do not need SSN & has reciprocity with Canada. I would still think positive though. Did you also apply for CGFNS Visa Screen? 

I am pretty much in the process of applying for endorsement to Washington State from MT. (I know I am missing pediatric clinical hours). However, the WA official website says they only take CGFNS CES Professional Report. Do you have any success getting the license, and in which state?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
2 hours ago, uounique said:

The WA official website says they only take CGFNS CES Professional Report. Do you have any success getting the license, and in which state?

Hi. I got my ME license and easily endorsed it to NH which is another compact state. The problem with some States like WA is it’s not a compact state so they are probably stricter. 

I tried to inquire here in NH if I could take my deficiency with California but apparently they don’t enroll student on just stand alone /individual courses so they suggested repeating the whole program. 

8 hours ago, hypnotizer90 said:

Hi. I got my ME license and easily endorsed it to NH which is another compact state. The problem with some States like WA is it’s not a compact state so they are probably stricter. 

I tried to inquire here in NH if I could take my deficiency with California but apparently they don’t enroll student on just stand alone /individual courses so they suggested repeating the whole program. 

I am in WA (my kid has settled down, and my partner is working here too). So, I don't have much choice but to get registered in WA. 

Yea, WA, it's not a compact state yet. It's saying pending. So I am not sure when they will become a close state. 

I contacted all the universities and colleges in WA, and so far, they either don't provide individual subjects or recommend completing the whole program. So, the same dilemma. 


Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

If the Board can tell you how much unit/ hours needed etc so you can enroll in other State  that provides those single courses. 

California says that it’s not guaranteed that the course I can take in other State will meet their specifics but some people were successfully able to do it. 

Hi guys,

I am RN from Australia and want to become USRN. I am in the process with CGFNS but my uni has already mentioned n/a for paeds & obgyn. So I am pretty sure my CES report will be deficit and is there any stand alone courses available to fill these up?

 I heard New York BON doesn’t need CGFNS. Are they or any other states flexible or will the evaluation be the same?? 

Any insight is highly appreciated guys ! 

Hi @hypnotizer90 do u know anyone who has gone through the process of completing these deficiencies of paeds/obgyn? 

Do u think going via NYBON would be flexible on these hours in compare to CGFNS?

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