CGFNS CES Report Missing Clinical Hours

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I'm a Canadian educated nurse who is trying to work in the States. CGFNS sent a CES Report to Washington for me but in the report they stated I am missing clinical hours in psychiatric nursing and my education is "comparable" because of these deficiencies.

Anyone with similar issues with 'missing clinical hours' still able to get a state license?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

Hi. So my peds and obstetrics clinical hours is also N/A on my CGFNS but unlike California (which I am currently deficient), those standalone courses are not offered in the ME schools to complete maybe that is why the reason the State Board gave the license. But the Board also requested my Canadian schools to provide letter to confirm clinical hours. They gave me a hard time that I thought they weren't gonna gave me a license! I got my CGFNS Visa Screen certificate though prior to getting my State RN license. I used CGFNS eDAS to send those school docs to the Board per their request. Different State Board assesses differently so case to case basis but one can just try ?

Which type of CGFNS did you apply? I was reading on the NY Board website that they recommend CGFNS’s Credential Verification Service for New York State but this seemed different from CGFNS Visa Screen needed by the DHS. 

Hey, IKR these paeds and obgyn clinical hours criteria is insane! I am happy to study and do course but seems none college/university offer those standalone courses.. So depressing fr!

I applied CES CGFNS. I already got green card so I don't require visa screen one. In such a dilemma, I think I will go through NY Board as well.

Specializes in Nurse.

Hey guys,  I am in a similar situation to some of you in terms of the ob/gyn and paeds hours. Has anyone had any luck since then?

Does anyone know which boards may be a bit more lenient with this? I was interested in applying for Texas BON but I am not sure how lenient they will be.



Specializes in Nurse.

Hey guys,

I just have another question about transcripts. Do yours transcripts show all of your clinical placements (gynaecology, medical, neuro etc.) as well as theory modules covered at university.

My transcript doesn't list my placements, it just simply says 'Practical component - Pass'.

Is it enough for my university to just fill out the form provided by CGFNS specifying the hours in each box provided?


Thank you.

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
6 hours ago, Sarah Jackson said:

Is it enough for my university to just fill out the form provided by CGFNS specifying the hours in each box provided?

Hi, so basically the school has the course syllabus that details which kind of clinical setting for that particular semester. You can calculate how much clinical hours you had by browsing your previous course syllabus on those clinical placements and see the breakdowns. 

There are special circumstances though that students had clinical placements on specialized units e.g. obstetrics/pediatrics. You can argue and show proof that you had done it on one of those units even though your syllabus say otherwise.  

Specializes in Nurse.

Hey, thanks for your response! Okay I will do this. But I mean is it enough for CGFNS to put those hours down but not have physical proof on the official school transcript?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
8 hours ago, Sarah Jackson said:

But I mean is it enough for CGFNS to put those hours down but not have physical proof on the official school transcript?

So the school itself is verifying whatever clinical hours you completed on the CGFNS "Request for Academic Records/Transcripts" form. Our transcript has the course code and name and CGFNS should be able to match them.

My transcript also was labeled Clinical w a pass/graded mark so it should be OK since I didn't have any problem with it. I don't think the hours are commonly placed on our transcript. However, the Board in 2019 inquired if I completed such theory & clinical hours on med, surg, psych, obs, & peds since my transcript is not specific with those nursing domains.


Specializes in Nurse.

Okay thank you that helps! When the Board enquired about completing hours in med, surg, psych, obs, & peds etc, did you have to do anything extra to prove you did complete those hours or was it enough to say just state that you did.

Last thing, do you know if there is a minimum number of required hours for each area?

Did you complete many hours in those areas? I am worried mine won't be enough.


Thank you!

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

@Sarah Jackson

1. Each BON has specific requirements. I cannot tell you how much theory/clinical hours they require. I mentioned about my deficiencies on my earlier posts. 

Specializes in Nurse.

Sorry, yes you did! Okay, thank you so much for your responses!

Specializes in enfermera intensiva.

Hello, I hope you can help me, I am a Peruvian nurse, my license was evaluated by the CGNFS and the CES issued me an observation of 68/70 hours missing, I am applying for the Florida Board. I have two questions. The first, I don't know what happened after the CGNFS sent the CES to the Florida board, will they answer me if they accept my degree? If he turns me down, do I need to go back to college for the hours I missed?

Please help me, I don't know what to do next.

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
On 11/29/2022 at 12:06 PM, mayra126 said:

Hello, I hope you can help me, I am a Peruvian nurse, my license was evaluated by the CGNFS and the CES issued me an observation of 68/70 hours missing, I am applying for the Florida Board. I have two questions. The first, I don't know what happened after the CGNFS sent the CES to the Florida board, will they answer me if they accept my degree? If he turns me down, do I need to go back to college for the hours I missed?

Please help me, I don't know what to do next.

Hi. The Florida Board will see CGFNS's assessment and decide if you need to do remediation e.g. enroll into a class in a Florida school to complete that missing hours. Have you already applied for RN license in Florida? Then you can track your application status ?online. 

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