CGFNS CES Report Missing Clinical Hours

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I'm a Canadian educated nurse who is trying to work in the States. CGFNS sent a CES Report to Washington for me but in the report they stated I am missing clinical hours in psychiatric nursing and my education is "comparable" because of these deficiencies.

Anyone with similar issues with 'missing clinical hours' still able to get a state license?

Specializes in enfermera intensiva.

Hello, I have not applied for my license in the Florida board, I did not know what could be done, I thought that CGNFS sent the report and then they answered me but I do not know how to look at the state, where do I have to join? could you guide me?

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
On 12/6/2022 at 10:33 AM, mayra126 said:

Could you guide me?

Hi. You can start with their website

Specializes in Nurse.

Hey everyone,

In terms of hours for theory, is it possible to accepted with only 10 theory hours in paediatrics and ob/gyn? but some hours in clinical areas?


Sarah Jackson said:

Hey guys,  I am in a similar situation to some of you in terms of the ob/gyn and paeds hours. Has anyone had any luck since then?

Does anyone know which boards may be a bit more lenient with this? I was interested in applying for Texas BON but I am not sure how lenient they will be.



Hi Sarah , any updates with this ? I'm also interested in applying with the Texas BON and my uni put 0 clinical hours in Peads/Obs 

Hi everyone,

I too am missing clinical hours for peds/ob and am curious if anyone has gotten their license despite that? I just got the email from CGFNS that they denied my application because of the missing hours (after finishing every other step including 2 exams and 1.5 years of my time) and I'm at a loss at what to do.

Hope someone reads this and can help! 

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

@G. Vredeveld Would you rather apply to a State that has reciprocity with Canada and only requires CGFNS Certification like CGFNS Visa Screen Certificate or eDAS?

Specializes in ER NURSE.

Hi everyone! Does anyone knows how to integrate the deficiency for the CeS report. I could join an hospital Stage post lauream in ob-gyn and then my school will send it! Will it be accepted?

Specializes in Critical dare.

Going through this thread now, How did you guys manage to solve the issue of having less hours in your CES report? 

My CES report also states I am missing Clinical hours in Maternity & Infant care (OB). Please can some one tell me how they sorted this issue?

Specializes in enfermera intensiva.

Hello, CGNFS issued me the CES report and the boarding of florida, I accept all the papers, but now I am in doubt because I know of companies that process the papers for nurses in other states but AVOID THE SUFFICIENCY EXAM OF THE ENGLISH, and colleagues who DO NOT KNOW HOW TO READ ENGLISH, were able to take the NCLEX, all because these companies know how to avoid English exams. Does anyone know how to do this process? to be able to orient myself

Specializes in enfermera intensiva.

Hi everyone, 

I recieved an email about my process in Florida health, and they told me that my papers need an additional review for educational specialist (in CES I missed 2 hours in med/surg),  does someone know about why they tell me that? or maybe is it because I missed hours on my ces?


Thanks a lot.


Specializes in enfermera intensiva.
arleneyuh said:

Mi informe CES también indica que me faltan horas clínicas en atención de maternidad e infantil (OB). ¿Alguien puede decirme cómo solucionaron este problema?

Hi, I have the same problem, but I'm waiting for florida health of my final result, because they told me that I need an special evaluation. I'm nervous about it.

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