CCAC Boyce Fast Track Fall 2014

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hey all! As our orientation is today, I wanted to start a separate thread so we can all keep in touch and have a single place for questions that are specific to our program. Can't wait to meet everyone today!

If you have a legal prescription I don't think they can say anything as long as you self report the chance of the test coming up positive. If they would kick you out of the program then it could be considered discrimination against a disability. The last time I took a drug test at quest I needed to fill out paper work and it had a spot for drugs you are currently taking, but it might be different so I would take the prescription with me just to be safe.

did anyone here about mandatory education at UPMC? Apparently at the North campus orientation they said about needing to do training at UPMC and it's due August 8th.

That was me :) ITs not at upmc, it's online. But the information to do it was supposed to come in the mail.

Did you disclose the meds on the physical?

Yes, you wear whatever you want for class.

I would call CCAC and ask what their protocol is as well as call certified profile and see how they would like to document the meds. If you have supporting documentation of the prescriptions then there may not be an issue, but I would call and ask. As for clinical, we will have it the first week. During registration the woman did say that we should have clinical after having lab, but they were pretty disorganized and didn't have enough clinicals open by the end of the "lottery" system for this to happen. So some people will have clinical before lab the first week.

I just took my drug test, they didn't ask about anything but on the receipt it says they will contact you about prescriptions or over the counter drugs you may be taking if the results are positive.

I wonder how that works if you didn't disclose the prescription in the physical. I know someone who didn't do this so I wonder how the school handles it. Any ways, at this point whatever happens, happens.

I did disclose my prescriptions. One is for ADHD and one is for occasional migraine headaches, but neither should interfere with clinicals as most of my migraines are during sleep hours, and the medication is taken during those hours -- hence, a passing physical as I'm not limited from performing clinical duties in any way.

The employee at Quest that did my test said if it comes up positive they'll call and either get contact info for my pharmacy or doctor and handle it through them and then deem the test "negative" once they have documentation, so no big deal. Apparently I didn't need to haul my orificenal to the test -___-

The book list is up under NUR 110... Looks like if you buy all the required new it's about $1400

Is that including ATI books?

Nvmd I just signed on to look

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