Care plans + finding Nsg articles: 2 really good websites everyone should know about!


This website is highly recommended by all my friends if you have problems writing care plans. It is actually a care plan generator, all you do is pick what applies to your patient and out pops a complete care plan. I would like to stress DONT RELY to heavily on this website because in my own personal exp. you may have to write a care plan whenever and wherever you instructor see's fit. Make sure you know how to become a generator yourself before using this. :)

If you need a nursing journal article, heres your place. It cost money for most of the articles but some are free. In my exp using it I was always able to find a free article for just about any topic I needed. Make sure if it says it cost money for a article to click on it and scroll down, because sometimes it only cost money if you print the article. Great for Nursing research papers. :)

Thanks! I bookmarked for future use ~grins~ not in nursing school yet but I'm enjoying collecting as much info as possible!


The Gulanick careplan book is the one I use and it has been very helpful to me.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I'll have to check out the journal article website. :)


Thanks. I am just learning how to write care plans. I'm sure this will be a help.

Thanks for this post! The care plan constructor mentioned is great! Also, here's a link to another care plan constructor I discovered:

It's based on the highly regarded Nursing Diagnosis Handbook by Ackley & Ladwig. You'll be asked to register (no biggie) and as a result you'll get your own page. It may take a little poking around on your page to find the link to the constructor, but it's worth it. It's similar to the Gulanick careplan book constructor mentioned in the original post, but it seems like there are more diagnoses listed. I had trouble getting it to work when I first tried it, but the next day it worked fine. They also have support which promises to return emails the next day.

Both constructors offer printable care plans from which you can easily copy and paste into a text or word processor file for editing and formatting.

Happy care planning!

Specializes in Med-surg > LTC > HH >.

:blushkiss :blushkiss :lol2: :beer: :cheers:

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

Thank You!:balloons:

THANKS A MILLION. I checked out the web-sites and WOW. I just started with care plans and you don't know how great this is.

Just a piece of advice on care plans for those of you just starting to do these. Always think of INDEPENDENT NURSING INTERVENTIONS before the dependent ones. The dependent ones are the most obvious (i.e. administering meds, IV's, etc as ordered), and therefore the easiest ones to put on a care plan. HOWEVER, I understand that on boards, they really stress the INDEPENDENT nursing interventions. Just a bit of advice from one struggling student to another. . .

Specializes in Long Term Care.

I used these and they are great but you have to be very careful. one thing I did that caused problems is that I forgot to go back in there and give time frames, something measurable. BOY that is stressed in my class. Good Luck


This was really good for a first time view. I am definitely going to make use of these Thanks heaps.

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