Canceled! Jerks!

Nurses General Nursing


Early one morning recently, I was on the way to my PRN job on a behavioral health unit. I was literally in my car, and it was 30 min before the shift was to start. I got a text telling me I'd been canceled. Not even the courtesy of a phone call. At this facility, if an RN calls in, it can't be any later than 0430 for dayshift or 1630 for night shift. If I'd have called in with a half hour's notice, I'd have been written up, or worse. I was livid. This comes on the heels of asking to work just Sats and Suns and being told ''we don't allow nurses to do that,'' when our unit had TWO nurses with that exact schedule. I complained to HR but they weren't helpful at all. So I found a job at another hospital in town, but stayed on PRN at the other place...until they canceled me with 30 min notice. I felt that was rude and inconsiderate and told them so, and I also said it was the culmination of months of frustration with their shoddy way of doing things. I am 58 and while I realize no perfect job exists anywhere, I also refuse to be treated with a glaring double standard and total disregard for courtesy.

Specializes in school nurse.

I loved the title of this, but I might have gone with "Meanies!" (more gravitas...)

They were hoping that you hadn't read your employee contract or employee handbook. Dollars to donuts, this scenario is spelled out in detail, and most likely they were required to pay you for a a certain portion of the day.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I'm surprised they turned down your offer to work every weekend because most facilities would kill to have nurses volunteer to do that. My facility has some permanent weekend staff, and they'd still love to have weekend-only PRNs because let's face it: vacations and call outs happen.

They were hoping that you hadn't read your employee contract or employee handbook. Dollars to donuts, this scenario is spelled out in detail, and most likely they were required to pay you for a a certain portion of the day.

We have a hierarchy of cancelations. If we are not given 90 minutes notice, they have to pay us for four hours of work

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

If we are canceled within 2 hours of shift start they need to pay us 4 hours minimum

I was once cancelled after arrival. I was really aggravated because I'd washed a uniform, packed a lunch, taken the kids to the sitter, and driven 24 miles for nothing. I told them that, too. The secretary admitted she had made a mistake. I asked to DON to be paid 2 hours for show-up time. She refused.

They had another nurse follow me around the next time I worked. She claimed I didn't know how to evaluate and treat a pt with c/o SOB. They fired me.

So, while we may be used and abused, we must often swallow a lot of @*!^ and are not allowed to c/o when maltreated. We, at least, must be very polite about it.

BTW, I told my Auntie about this. She had a friend on the Board of Directors. I did get the 2 hours of show-up pay. Still got fired, though, because it was supposedly "for cause". I evaluated the pt with c/o SOB perfectly, as I had evaluated and treated many previous pts with that c/o, gave her inhaler, rechecked her shortly and found her improved. I did call the doc because she had a fever. She was put on an AB, given a neb tx and a little O2. I even pulled my med cart into her room while taking care of her so no one could get into the cart - and so the henchwoman following me around couldn't mess with it.

I documented all. When told I had messed up, I asked what I had done wrong & what I should have done differently, there were, of course, no suggestions for improvements or for a different course of action than I had performed.

I should have gone back to Auntie and her friend. I did get a better-paying job closer to home, so not all was lost. I just hated that they could lie and I couldn't use the place for a reference and that life was filled with such evil "shenaniganry". It was very hurtful emotionally and I didn't want to spend my life looking over my shoulder for their next attempt to fire me, which would have happened sooner or later. The place closed shortly afterwards, so no real lasting harm was done me except to my psyche and feelings.

I should have gone back to Auntie and her friend. I did get a better-paying job closer to home, so not all was lost. I just hated that they could lie and I couldn't use the place for a reference and that life was filled with such evil "shenaniganry". It was very hurtful emotionally and I didn't want to spend my life looking over my shoulder for their next attempt to fire me, which would have happened sooner or later. The place closed shortly afterwards, so no real lasting harm was done me except to my psyche and feelings.

Once you went to "Auntie" and got her friend to intervene for you not once, but twice, yeah, they would have found a way to get rid of you for cause sooner rather than later.

So I don't remember reading a policy about per diems cancelling or the requirement on the hospital's end. Would I just call HR and get those details?

If you don't stand up for you who will?

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
BTW, I told my Auntie about this. She had a friend on the Board of Directors. I did get the 2 hours of show-up pay. Still got fired, though, because it was supposedly "for cause". I evaluated the pt with c/o SOB perfectly, as I had evaluated and treated many previous pts with that c/o, gave her inhaler, rechecked her shortly and found her improved. I did call the doc because she had a fever. She was put on an AB, given a neb tx and a little O2. I even pulled my med cart into her room while taking care of her so no one could get into the cart - and so the henchwoman following me around couldn't mess with it.

I documented all. When told I had messed up, I asked what I had done wrong & what I should have done differently, there were, of course, no suggestions for improvements or for a different course of action than I had performed.

I should have gone back to Auntie and her friend. I did get a better-paying job closer to home, so not all was lost. I just hated that they could lie and I couldn't use the place for a reference and that life was filled with such evil "shenaniganry". It was very hurtful emotionally and I didn't want to spend my life looking over my shoulder for their next attempt to fire me, which would have happened sooner or later. The place closed shortly afterwards, so no real lasting harm was done me except to my psyche and feelings.

Look at it this way, Kooky: they actually did you a favour by firing you and reaped the punishment for themselves. You found a better position than the one you had lost and they aced themselves out of a good nurse. Then they went under (their personnel practices couldn't have helped) and you didn't have to scramble for a new job with the rest of them, you were already on your feet.

When I look back on my life, every rotten thing done to me was ultimately to my benefit. I owe much of my success to crappy people.

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