Can I ask for job opportunities after?


I'm a third year nursing student, gonna complete my NICU clinical placement very soon, got some really positive feedbacks from most of the nurses in my department as well as the clinical facilitator. I'm just wondering would it be OK to ask if they have any part time employment opportunities for me as a student and perhaps a RN position in the future after graduating? (Still got one more year to go)

If you have a year to go, too far away to be projecting job opportunities. But sure do speak about your interest. Ask if they hire new grads, find out who the hire decisions people are. Stay in touch with people you met and ask them if you can use them as references when you do apply.

Maybe you could ask to precept there when it comes to that point. That's a great way to get your foot in the door for a job.

Specializes in PACU.

I would keep in contact with your preceptor (when you get to that point) and any staff you may meet during clinicals. Obviously, they aren't going to hold a job for a year or offer an opportunity for a year in the future, especially without guarantee of licensure, but keeping the line of communication open will end up helping you out a lot. Asking for volunteer hours on the floor may help, if they offer it.

I would express your interest to the nurse manager just to get on their radar. Also agree with Pp about keeping in touch with your preceptor.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I agree with these guys. Keep the connection alive, introduce yourself to the NM, mention your interest, ask if you can sit down with her for some info, find out if they hire eager new grads, etc.

Thank you everyone for ur advice! :yes:

I wish I can stay in this department as I'm really enjoying it!! :)

Specializes in Pedi.

I think it's fine to ask if there are any aide positions available now (if they have aides, not all ICUs do). I would discuss with your clinical instructor how much you are enjoying the rotation and how interested you are in NICU. She can probably put a bug in the NM's ear. When I worked in the hospital, we hired nursing students who had done clinical with us and had done well into aide positions with the recommendation of the instructor.

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